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hello I love this game I'm about to finish it, but I need to open the glacial door and I can't find how to open it, I've read that another infernal orb comes out but I don't know where to look for it please help

I am also stuck here, so also looking for advice.

hey bro, look i already figured out the trick, you have to unlock the glace missions once you do that go through the temple where you got the first hell orb another gollen with 9k life will appear so be careful

How to finish Violet's last quest? 


When will it be updated? This game is perfect.

what to do with lightning stones and wind stone?

You can buy new spells if you have the correct 2 stones, if I remember correctly.
The new spells can be bought from elves.

How can I defeat the silver octopus please help

What is garden cafe and where is it


On the map, go north of the central square.


...Sorry, I'm not very good at English but I want to know how I can get the ghost out of the house. And now I beat the ghost but nothing happened. 


The game will only progress once you let the ghost win twice.

How do I fight the ghost again? when I come back for the second time I no longer have energy, thank you

Get the alchemy formula to craft potions. Try crafting some potions, including the energy potion.
You will need a mushroom from the forest to craft this.

uh, let me ask more How do I win a jellyfish and where and how can I find a fisherman?

You need anti-paralysis potions to avoid getting paralyzed by the Jellyfish. Your level also needs to be hight enough to beat them. You can let the ghost take your body and level up for you. Skills like Arcane and Speed also help during battles.

Sometimes to progress you have to fail...other times you have to like Celcia and be kind and let Nel take your body for a walk...

How to beat monsters at emerline falls

Focus on increasing your Arcane and Speed through skills. Also, let Nel level you up more if the enemies are tough.

How to unlock the firylake ?

How to meet the elf king and be invited by him to the elf territory please help😭

Talk to the guard, many times.

(1 edit)

Will the sexual scenes that happen in battle happen with the character you are currently possessing? and at the moment is it important to pass the level when you have someone?

The monsters won't do sexual attacks while Celica is possessing Faylen or the Puppet. Also using the dildo while possessing will trigger an error screen.

ok thanks

how do i catch fish for the cat?

Give a stone slab to a fisherman.


How can I find mirium please tell me I stuck on it for last 2 days

Miriam can be found after winning and defeating at least 3 enemies at the Fairly Lake. Pay attention to what the barkeeper says. 


Where is the fairly lake

On the map, north of the misty marsh

бармен произносит пустую фразу вместо намека

It is probably a translation issue. Can you check what the barkeeper says in English?

I was stuck searching for bodies for the Pirate Captain, I brought a Phalanx for Cindy, watched the event and a ghost appeared, said she wanted a strong body, and there are no other bodies except a mannequin, but he can't be taken to the cave, what to do?

Progress the main story. Check what the barkeeper says.

is it possible to somehow upgrade a wallet from 500 coins to a larger amount? And where to find Miriam

(1 edit)

Yes. You can find decorative stones that can be fused with your wallets such as turquoise stone, topaz, and ruby stone. These are found in the desert and waterfall areas in silver chests or bought by the shopkeeper at the ruins.

Where do I find the tailor? I have a couple of character quest lines that need it but can't find it on the map.

After you master at least four skills from equipment, you will find him wandering in the Central Plaza.

I downloaded the updated version and it shows my previous files but when I try to load them it kicks me back to the main menu screen, what do I do?

Try loading a quicksave. (Q section of loading screen)

Any hope for different purchase method than PayPal?

Any plans to increase outfit material drop rate? Even with the treasure finder the grind is very tedious. Level 80 and haven't even got my third piece...


While in combat, you can see what drops the location has. Most are [infinite sign] x something, and then sometimes they have 1 x ? <- these are the good things you haven't yet discovered in the location. So you can only get a few good items from a single location, and they are always guaranteed to be good. If you don't have outfit items, go to each location and see which ones you haven't cleared properly yet.


Oh, I had noticed the infinite resource indicators but never the ones for rare drops. Thanks, I will have a look around.

How to find Miriam?

Go to the lake where the bee women spawn

what need give to black cat


What is the purpose of the Lust potion ?


I've been unable to apply them to other characters so all that is left is to 'load' up Celica's lust to have her lose or climax at a point of your choosing.

Does Nel's choice affect partners you can have?

How to get another lantern i sell it

Everything you sell can be found at the pawn shop that opens at night.

Where do I find Violet after maxing her relationship? She is nowhere to be found and she's not in my inventory either

Normaly at the well if you got her removed or she got deffeated by a enemy. If not, she should still be in the clothes if she is in panty form.

Can someone could tell me how could I defeat the demonness please.

And if it is possible, to not on the list on the friend list of Celica please.

If it is possible.

It is possible, but you need to be at least level 50.  You must focus on raising your Arcane and Speed and attacking her with Light spells.
Even if you lose now, you can beat her later.

Use suppression potions to keep lust down.  If Celica hits climax, she loses.  You also need to keep Celica's health up, Violet can help with this and good amount of health potions.

How can I get past the Glacial Grotto entrance?


is there cheat codes?

my game version now is 0.64, did my progress lost if i download and use the new version? or the progress already saved on my current device?

It depends on the system you use. For windows, you can still load your save on a new game installation. For Android, you update the gem to the next version.

Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic

Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\\files\saves

If a save loading does not work, try loading a save from the Q section of the loading screen.

How can i get full of relationship?

Can you stop Glace from Freezing you, or take less damage? I get 3 spells in and then I'm possessed even with Violet as Armor, level 80

Main question I have is if Glace is moving multiple times during your turn, then you need to up your speed stat. If it's a matter of she does more clothing pulls than fighting, you want to lower your allure stat and not charm her.

In my runs against her (mainly the 4 times I fought her with me running the first fight in the dungeon a second time to see if she is beatable in that fight (she is not she will take reduced damage as her health get's lower), having more clothes on (not using the dwarven set) helped stopped her from being able to possess, and you can also wear the Elven set to lower your Allure even further down which should lower the amount of times she uses her clothes removal attack more as well.

If it's an enemy that the developers don't want to be knocked down, you can only deal half as much damage as the enemy's remaining health per attack.

Glace is relatively easy to defeat if you use Violet and a good supply of health potions.  Glace only double hits about every other turn.  Heal after a double hit and hit her back hard after she delivers a single hit.  You lose all clothing, you lose the fight.

how can i go to granolia

I think that's the name for the old kingdom where the keep is.  If you're looking for the mobile shop, try the ancient ruins.

How do I get past captain ceres? I have tried letting her have galiene but it doesn't accomplish anything.

Using a dildo while manipulating a puppet is going wrong due to the lack of animation, I think this animation can be added in the future.

i just wanted to comment to second this. i got a fatal error crash when i tried it out in the bedroom. happens with the elf girl too. should probly put in some sort of "stopper" to prevent the action

The system will prompt an error because the material cannot be found, if you skip the error, you will find that no one is sitting on the bed, but there is normal dialog text.

is the relationship stuck in .9 or can it be increase


How to get this ability ??

Beath the mindflayer guy as Celecia.

I posted instructions in another person's comment asking for the same thing not far below.

I got a glass eye.

are saves compatible with newer versions?

Some are compatible

How would you know it's compatible btw?

I'm not too familiar with saves etc...

Try to load it and see if it works. If it does not, try an older version, save that save, and try the newer versions.

Always save at the beginning of the day. (As soon as Celica wakes up).
If a save doesn't work, use a quick save. (Q section on loading screen)

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