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Hi, I was hoping to download your game and my anti-virus (windows defender) is saying your files have a trojan in them? I'm just posting this here and seeing if there might be an issue with myself or the files of the .zip. I am interested in downloading this but I'm a bit hesitant if there's something like that in there.


It's a false positive from Windows Defender. It's a common problem found on many games developed with Ren'Py.  I've scanned the game with other antivirus including Malwarebytes with no issues. 

There are 2 versions of the game TownOfMagic.exe (64-bit) and TownOfMagic-32.exe (32-bit). 

The  32 bit is for older Windows versions and usually reports the false positive. If your Windows can run the 64-bit version, you can delete the 32 bit if you want to be safe.

Hey, I have a similar problem. I downloaded the .zip file but I cant extract it or open it. I tryes 7-Zip to extract it but it says there is a Virus or a unwanted software and after about 5 sec the file will be deleted

(2 edits)

Love the game so far.

Report: Lucky Cat recognizes that I should be getting the 20% coin increase but the game doesn't actually give it to me. Tested on Hornet Wasp, got 20 coins instead of 24. It may not happened due to me leveling up after that battle. 

Edit: Actually, it is working correctly, sorry. the 20% gets applied during the results, and then the rest (the actual battle gain) is applied after the results. Was confusing, safe to buy.

Hello,i have a little question 

how many events are there with evie and selena?
and if someone know what to do with the fishermanr and his chair 
please tell me would you help me Quite

give the fisherman the stone the science guy gives you

very thanks

Hi, I've noticed that on the new changelog of the patreon build there's no "New hidden event with Nel", does that mean that we've reach the end of Nel's route?

Love'd the game btw, I think the game has an incredible amount of potential and is already pretty good. I was a patreon a couple of months ago but money got a bit tight, I'll consider being one again in the future. Keep up the good work but remember not to overwork yourself.

There will always be a Nel event in each build. It's just included with all events.

was there an update? if so do I need to restart or can I keep my old save somehow?

How do I decrease allure? I want to use Nel to skip the grind but her letting creatures fuck Celica takes up a lot of time. I was told that if allure is at zero then She won't let monsters Lewd Celica.


Take off any equipment that gives allure, get rid of any skills that give allure.

how do I change the place Nel takes you to explore? I want the beach but she is defaulting to Fulblossom woods.

(1 edit) (+1)

how do you get the dark orb, that the tailor wants, to craft the demonic bra/panties?


nevermind found it.


some thing at the well.

Try letting the monster at the well defeat you


There's another hidden event now??? Guys help, how to get lingerie? Toy seller says nothing and Nel's affection stuck near almost full 3rd bar

Try letting the monster at the well defeat you


cant wait for the next update quick question tho is there another scene with Nel after going to the beach to train when I give her my body her meter doesnt seem to go up any further

Talk to the barkeeper. If he notifies you have reached the end of the game, he should also tell you if there are secret events. If there are, then you still have yet to find a Nel event.

ok cool ye he tells me its the end i was just wondering if friendship events didnt count  tho thanks for the reply

(1 edit)

I really love it that you can get help from Nel just to skip the grind. LOL Is there still no Ice element?

(1 edit) (+1)

The struggle option when a monster mounts you should do at least some damage to the monster, considering you lose an entire turn and take a free hit. Not to mention if the monster keeps re-mounting you you just get stuck in a ceaseless game of musical chairs.

Or maybe add a function to let the monstes lewd the MC. if not temporarily disable after the struggle.

how do you fix this? it just started this

nvm fixed it had the wrong version installed

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

In this version of the game, does lewdness do anything at all? I experimented a bit and saw no difference between 0 and 100, except taking a couple more turns escaping the sexual interactions with monsters. I also tried with 0 and 5 allure, still no difference. (Necklace from witch who had lost her key)

1 hidden event left... Could anyone give a little hint, please?

(1 edit)

That kitty on central square, how to progress? PM if you afraid of spoiler

Update: nvm, use fish from the fisherman.

(1 edit)

Do you know the purpose of the item you get from cat? 

save file got deleted because reinstalling my laptop to get ssd. Maybe apparel.


How do you increase allure? Mine is at 15 and Nel won't perform acts with enemies at all. Also how do I change the place Nel takes you to explore? I want the beach but she is defaulting to Fulblossom woods. 

Thanks and keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+2)

Allure can be increased by buying lingerie from tailor, but Nel should do it even with Allure of 15.

She will visit other locations when your relationship with her reaches certain values (two full bars for wasp forest, three for beach, four for cave).

How do I increase Nel's relationship to four full bars? I have the fourth bar all but maxed out but I don't know how to trigger the event that fills the bar completely.


Where do I find the tailor? Not seen one in my playthrough


Does anyone know what the fire stone combines with? I tried everything I could think of and couldn't figure it out.

(1 edit)

Nothing, it's a placeholder for some future quest.

UPD: my mistake, it's useful. Still it doesn't combine with anything.

You know that zone next to fairy tree? That Firestone will give you access to fire zone. The enemy you will encounter there is fire manta, which on level 20 on my first encounter. Before that, you need to get through the cave zone, which have earth elemental enemy.


Love this game! It's clear that you've put a huge amount of effort into it.

The one major issue I have is that after Nel decides to have sex with enemies it takes her several times longer to get through the day than it is before getting her friendship level up. Its just a pain and drags on far too long as she waits for each monster to finally grab her instead of attacking.

I suggest adding an option to limit how many times she decides to have fun with enemies on each "outing" as Celica. You could make it seem organic by having Celica set ground rules before pocession or something.

Again, love the game and am looking forward to its future.

If you have 0 Allure,  Nel won't perform sexual acts with enemies.

Deleted 1 year ago

You need Allure for him to notice you.

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits)

That is a false positive alert. 

The Ymacco or is the executable typically detected as something else? Thanks for your reply, but I worried since I haven't had an issue with it before.

(1 edit)

there is just one more event with Nel or something more? (Besides battles)

Well progress is awesome by looking on patreon wersion game is really going foward just looking for more. Didnt find nothing boring, but we could use button to skip time.

question, do you have to download the new version to get everything in the update?


Yes. You'll be able to load the your save and continue where you left off.



Ya somos dos esperando la Nueva Actualización de éste Gran Juego!! ;)


I wonder if its just me waiting today for update :P

(2 edits) (+5)

Got some good stuff here. I'll just say that I do wish that there was a "finish" for the monsters after they have their way with the main character enough times. It's not really "mating" without it. Maybe also they could use their abilities while having their fun too, like some electrostimulation for the jellyfish.

Eventually, I would hope that elemental status effects could be added to the elemental spells that you learn. Like the fire spell could cause burning, lightning could paralyze, etc. It'd add some flavor to the battle system past the rock, paper, scissors style it has now.



I like what you have made here I hope you keep developing it 

Thanks. If you really like the game, just give it a good rating.

Ok.  I've found all the things...  I fused Silver Ore with the Chest, but forgot to save beforehand to test other mixes.  Is the chest the only fusable item with silver or did I not test enough to find others?

where you find the chest?, I think with gold but I don't know if it is for the patreon version


I did a lot of grinding over time, so I don't know.  I am playing the version here on itch, so it is attainable.  Many of the items that weren't obvious came from the tent store at night.  Its stock seemed to refresh more than the others.  The Silver I got from the Cave by grinding Explore/Escape and I knew that Gold fuses with Silver Items, so I upgraded all of the basic Silver Items into Gold.  I got the Silver as the very last thing and wondered how to make silver items and just tried the tresure chest and it combined, but not sure if I could have combined with the lucky cat or another miscellaneous item.


Will There Be An Increased Level Cap?




Is the stone slab useful in anyway right now, can't figure out what he wants and can't seem to ask around about it

Someone at the beach might have some use for it.

(im sorry for my english,its not my first language)

im gonna say it this is a game easily one of the best game that i've played

Im not the type of dude who is active in the commentaries but i see so many commentaries about the game so im gonna duet

the battles are not difficult but they are entertaining but maybe 
need more type of spells like invocations or potions of other type
The history its really quite and calm and the protagonist its 
what i can see in the start and calm and quite but its like
who cant get feelings its something strange,and maybe cant have a
secondary quest what explain her why her enjoy to the work like 
a mage
the game cant havea bar what measure your hostility and kindness to people,making
them treat you differently and let them come up with different
i make this comment using google tracuctor so sorry if have any
bad word writting

Thanks for the good review. The main character will have a more detailed backstory where you will learn more in later versions of the game.


I just found your game today and already managed to accumulate ~6+ hours of playtime by now.

To say that this is probably one of the best games of its kind I've played so far wouldn't be an understatement. 11/10 would recommend.

I love the interactions between Celica and Nel and I can't wait to see more of them in the future.

It would be awesome to maybe see Celica getting changed or otherwise negatively affectd by Nel if you abuse the "auto play" system. (get up, let Nel possess you, sleep, repeat. Over and over again)

A feature like a gallery to re-watch past events/scenes/interactions would also be great.

So far I've only run into one Issue with the Jellyfish monster "AI". They always follow the same pattern for me:
#1 Paralysis attack when the battle begins

#2 7x Normal attacks

#3 Bind

This repeats every time a battle against them starts and when I manage to free Celica from the binding. Could you maybe look into that if it isn't already fixed for the newer Patreon build? I'm running Verson 0.05.827 on Windows Server 2016 if that matters.

(2 edits)

Thanks. There will definitely be more events with Nel

Regarding fighting the jellyfish:

Buy and learn the anti-paralysis potion from the alchemy shop. 

As soon as you first step into the beach, you will get the first item: banastar.

This will allow crafting anti-paralysis potions which are very EFFECTIVE against paralysis attacks. Use one BEFORE the fight.

The jellyfish don't have enough MP to execute more than 2 paralysis attacks per battle, so you will eventually be able to beat them.

Buenas tardes! Consulta, como logro que el gato negro en la Plaza Central me pueda acercar a él sin que se escape? Ayudenmé :( siempre se me va, sin importar la opción que escoja

Aún no tienes el artículo. Necesitas progresar con la historia. Habla con Bert en el gremio para contarte cómo ayudar a Evie en la casa abandonada junto al bosque. Habla con Evie en la casa abandonada y luego usa una bebida energética para encontrarte con el fantasma a la medianoche. Después de eso, compre la piedra espiritual en la tienda que está abierta solo por la noche. La tienda está cerca del gremio. Equipa la piedra espiritual y encuentra al fantasma a medianoche.

I don't know Spanish. The above text is translated.

is that shoe good for something? He won't let me do anything with him or I don't find out what to do with him


The shoe will be used in later versions of the game.

oooo thanks

tienes que buscar en la playa y ayudar a alguien 


I hope we can see a rock spitter wiggle into celica someday.
Or maybe just it's tail.

(1 edit) (+1)

and that she can also control her so that others spit stones play with her

(1 edit)

Will there be a wolf enemy in the game? Also will there be a way to leave clothes off/keep them off after a battle to make it more of a challenge? I love the game so far!

can't find the new hidden event, any better hints?


If your affinity with Nel is 1.9, you need to visit your home without the spirit stone equipped

thank you for the tip ^^

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