hello, i would like to ask how to increase relationship with nel, because i cant seem to progress any further. I asked fortune teller how to and all she said is to share more about myself, but i dont know how to since there are not any dialog options for this. Plese help.
is there any secret scence with glace beside deafeat her and get her ice armor or get possed by her then defeat her again just to get some bond levels.And what to do with ice armor? does it have any usage or secret scence behind?
Love the game! Does anyone have any tips on beating the mindflayer wizard in the prison? I am using Fraylen since she has the staff, but he keeps beating me easily.
You must be at least level 12-15. Equip skills that increase your arcane and speed and focus on casting light magic. You can also use magic potions during combat.
it's in 10.9.
when i call nel and select the option Can I suggest a place for you to take me? she's not going anywhere. this function is not ready yet?
when you possess someone and fight enemies there are no h scenes. Is this always going to be the case or are they just not finished and coming in a latter update?
I can send it by copying it when it comes up, as a side note I gave up the fight as well and the same thing happend. also Ignoring ether situation didn't work
The Patreon version is always the latest version of the game. When a new Patreon version is released, the existing Patreon version becomes free and is available for download here. For more information on when the next Patreon version will be released can be found on our website here: https://townofmagic.com/progress/
For Windows, you just need to extract the new version of the game into an empty folder. For Android, you need to update the game without uninstalling it.
In detail, the save files can be found in the following directory depending on your operating system: Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic
Welp im stuck on the guard elf he just won't let me in, I tried to talk to Edgar but Bert won't let me see him i tried to give him beer but still he won't let me talk to Edgar
After speaking to him multiple times, the elf guard should let you in at some point. But that will happen after you have exhausted all the quests the Bartender says. If you still cannot proceed, I will need to investigate the issue, as it may be a bug. Contact me at our main website at https://townofmagic.com/contact/ with a valid email so I can contact you.
First, thank you for creating such a wonderful game.
Second, I need help. I'm stuck trying to reach the Elf village. I've met the wandering elf in the forest but nothing since. The bartender only rumor is "Lucan's sister appreciate those who support him financially".. I've now spent over 2k gold in his shop but nothing happens. Am I missing something ?
I wonder how to finish the quest of The Order to ask people in town about the demonic magic or something, I've already talked to all people even the bartender but there's no choices of that specific quest
Hi all. Either I somehow broke the game for the second time at the same moment, or I don’t understand something. I tried completely deleting the game and playing again. But again stuck with the elf. He doesn't want to let me in. What conditions must be met for him to let me in? Approximately how many times do you need to talk to him and at what intervals? I have already completed all the other missions. the maximum level and even all the cursed items that he could have collected. The bartender says there are no rumors. And there are only 2 quests. Talk to the bartender and become the greatest sorceress.
Is he repeating the same thing when you talk to him? If so then you haven't got permission to enter yet and need to find Feylen in Deepwood Forest first, which will lead to the lighthouse where you get permission. When you go back to him he will tell you a story about his ex after a few attempts then Feylen lets you in.
I finished all the events 63/63 , the mistress I'm 5.9 relationship With her , I went to morgaine she kept telling me “let her… wear violet… for some days” I honestly don’t know what to do. I finished all violets events ,please help it’s the last mistress event.
Fight her and let her win while you are still wearing violet. You may need to ask her twice to fight you. At the end of the fight, she will take Violet from you.
Let 3 days pass while she still has her. The next time you visit her, an event will happen.
Hi everyone. I can't get into the elf village because of the guard. I have already approached him a hundred times and even thought that the matter was in the outfit. The bartender has run out of rumors and the fortuneteller says that I have already improved my relationship with everyone at this stage. What can I do to make this elf let me through?
The bartender says there are no rumors at the moment. And there are only 2 quests. Become the strongest sorceress (the one that is the main one) and talk to the bartender.
Try sleeping for a day and talking to the bartender the next day.
If this still doesn't work, I'll need to get and check your save to investigate this issue. Send me a message at the main website at https://townofmagic.com/contact/ with a valid email so I can contact you.
Was the way you see avalable chests in an area changed? Last time I played you could see all chests (bronze, silver, and gold) from the start of the game but with this version I don't see any till I get the Treasue Box trinket, then I can only see the bronze one.
Well an answer to my own question in case others were wondering the same thing. YES it does seem to have been changed at some point. You can see silver when you fuse the Treasure Chest Trinket with a Silver Nugget and then can see Gold chests when you fuse with a Gold Nugget. Kinda sucks that it was changed, but o well at least my game isn't bugged.
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hello, i would like to ask how to increase relationship with nel, because i cant seem to progress any further. I asked fortune teller how to and all she said is to share more about myself, but i dont know how to since there are not any dialog options for this. Plese help.
You have to let her possess you for the day to Explore. (May take 2-3 days.)
What is the utility of the mundo cookie?
Where and how I can use this?
Cockies remove status ailments that persist after battles. You will find monsters that will add status effects that can only be removed with a cookie.
When will the next update drop :0 ? Waiting for New Content!
How to i go to the blue weel in the forest
Progress through the main story.
is there any secret scence with glace beside deafeat her and get her ice armor or get possed by her then defeat her again just to get some bond levels.And what to do with ice armor? does it have any usage or secret scence behind?
Love the game! Does anyone have any tips on beating the mindflayer wizard in the prison? I am using Fraylen since she has the staff, but he keeps beating me easily.
You must be at least level 12-15. Equip skills that increase your arcane and speed and focus on casting light magic. You can also use magic potions during combat.
Violet relationship stuck at 5.9, fortune teller says she doesn't know how to progress it
means there's an event that'll progress the relationship at some point
I can't seem to find the elf in the forest that everyone is talking about, is there something I need to do for it to be available?
If my memory serves me right, you need to level up and go to the wizard's tower.
Where is the wizard's tower?
North from the central plaza area.
I cant advance Capt.Ceres as Galiene has gone completely missing in my game. Is this intentional?
Have you already lost the battle against Cap Ceres?
How can I access the candy?
Progress through Nel's story by increasing her affinity.
No. It's working fine. Select where you want her to take you, and then select to let her take over.
Btw what do I need to give the cat in the plaza
Show post...
a fish from the old man at the beach
How do I get the spirit stone for the Ghost?
It is sold in the pawn shop, which is open at night near the Guild.
How do you help Selena get out of the dream world?
Not available in the story yet.
How can I possess more characters besides Candy?
How do you get the slime suit off of you?
Rip it off, repeatedly.
rip it off or get a mimic to take her off for you
Show post...
when you possess someone and fight enemies there are no h scenes. Is this always going to be the case or are they just not finished and coming in a latter update?
my bet is they will come in a latter update since possessing others is a new feature
is there a reason why the game would run slowly? Ive played this long ago and i dont recall it running so badly
Depending on your system memory, you may need to change the memory settings in the preferences.
Also, try disabling GL Powersave.
Tried that and still really slow. Anything else I could do?
Is there a guide?
Not yet, but if you have questions they can probably be answered here, at the website, and on patreon.
Who has the missing gift that they forgot to give to me. I’m so lost in this part.
Check the mansion
how do you find a celestial or progress around this part.
Where do you get the star looking thing for the door in the dark forest.
Progress the main story and it will be given to you at the mansion.
I'm having a glitch where after beating the Ghost my game crashes any idea how to fix it.
Is there a way to send me the error code?
For now, hit ignore and you should be fine.
I can send it by copying it when it comes up, as a side note I gave up the fight as well and the same thing happend. also Ignoring ether situation didn't work
This is what pops up with wining the fight.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/renpy_battle.rpy", line 1353, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "script.rpyc", line 503, in script call
File "renpy_battle.rpyc", line 264, in script call
File "renpy_battle.rpyc", line 1353, in script
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\ast.py", line 2115, in execute
if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\python.py", line 1092, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\python.py", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/renpy_battle.rpy", line 1353, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\revertable.py", line 217, in __getitem__
rv = list.__getitem__(self, index)
IndexError: list index out of range
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Town of Magic 0.63.013
Sat Feb 11 22:43:21 2023
When Losing/ Giving up.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/renpy_battle.rpy", line 1353, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "script.rpyc", line 503, in script call
File "renpy_battle.rpyc", line 264, in script call
File "renpy_battle.rpyc", line 1353, in script
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\ast.py", line 2115, in execute
if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\python.py", line 1092, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\python.py", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/renpy_battle.rpy", line 1353, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Francisco\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\town-of-magic\Town_of_Magic-win\renpy\revertable.py", line 217, in __getitem__
rv = list.__getitem__(self, index)
IndexError: list index out of range
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Town of Magic 0.63.013
Sat Feb 11 22:51:23 2023
Thank you for letting me know.
The error you are getting is very unusual and will take time to fix
For now, if you still can't get past the event, try loading a quicksave, (Q section of the loading screen) and continuing your quest from there.
I'll try that
whens the next update happening
The Patreon version is always the latest version of the game. When a new Patreon version is released, the existing Patreon version becomes free and is available for download here.
For more information on when the next Patreon version will be released can be found on our website here:
How do we Update the Game and keep our saves???
For Windows, you just need to extract the new version of the game into an empty folder. For Android, you need to update the game without uninstalling it.
In detail, the save files can be found in the following directory depending on your operating system:
Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic
MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/
Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic
Android: Phone\Android\data\www.townofmagic.com\files\saves
If a save loading does not work, try loading a save from the Q section of the loading screen.
Oh thanks a bunch dude , you see im new to renpy games and stuff so yeah , Keep Up the good work ! Looking forward to future content too~!
Welp im stuck on the guard elf he just won't let me in, I tried to talk to Edgar but Bert won't let me see him i tried to give him beer but still he won't let me talk to Edgar
After speaking to him multiple times, the elf guard should let you in at some point.
But that will happen after you have exhausted all the quests the Bartender says.
If you still cannot proceed, I will need to investigate the issue, as it may be a bug. Contact me at our main website at https://townofmagic.com/contact/ with a valid email so I can contact you.
Oh yeah I've just figured it out, all good no bugs but does the doll level cap only lvl 5?
Her level goes up to 10, but it is unlocked after you complete some events.
comment nel peux se faire avoir par les monstres
Nel gagne presque toujours. Mais si l'indécence est plus 35, vous pouvez regarder plus de détails...
Where can I get item to help the fisherman?
Stone slab
est-ce que on n’ait obligé de signer le contrat de l’a démone . Et les événements Evie on peux le faire sans Nel
No. Both of them are mandatory at this time of the game.
This is going to be very stupid, but is their a certain key or control later on that lets you roam as a ghost and possess people
Yes, but now it is limited to whom you can possess.
Hello there,
First, thank you for creating such a wonderful game.
Second, I need help. I'm stuck trying to reach the Elf village. I've met the wandering elf in the forest but nothing since. The bartender only rumor is "Lucan's sister appreciate those who support him financially".. I've now spent over 2k gold in his shop but nothing happens. Am I missing something ?
Thank you in advance.
After you meet the elf in the forest, you need to inform Captain Edgar about this. Talk to Bert and ask him to let you see the Captain.
For Lucan, you only need to spend around 200 Gold. The event will happen the next time you visit him.
I am having frame drops while fighting enemies. I just want to ask if this is just on my device or not
I wonder how to finish the quest of The Order to ask people in town about the demonic magic or something, I've already talked to all people even the bartender but there's no choices of that specific quest
The stone slab he gave you to investigate. You will give that to a fisherman.
oh I see, thanks
1st of awsome game loving it. I seem to be stuck I cant seem to get the chair leg for the old man at the beach help please!
Do you have a stone slab to give him?
Hi all. Either I somehow broke the game for the second time at the same moment, or I don’t understand something. I tried completely deleting the game and playing again. But again stuck with the elf. He doesn't want to let me in. What conditions must be met for him to let me in? Approximately how many times do you need to talk to him and at what intervals? I have already completed all the other missions. the maximum level and even all the cursed items that he could have collected. The bartender says there are no rumors. And there are only 2 quests. Talk to the bartender and become the greatest sorceress.
Is he repeating the same thing when you talk to him? If so then you haven't got permission to enter yet and need to find Feylen in Deepwood Forest first, which will lead to the lighthouse where you get permission. When you go back to him he will tell you a story about his ex after a few attempts then Feylen lets you in.
How can i get the last secret scene (59/60)
Secret scenes may be related to characters in the game. Check if there are any scenes left involving characters.
The secret spell can be found by equipping the mindflayer ring in the swamp.
I finished all the events 63/63 , the mistress I'm 5.9 relationship With her , I went to morgaine she kept telling me “let her… wear violet… for some days” I honestly don’t know what to do. I finished all violets events ,please help it’s the last mistress event.
Fight her and let her win while you are still wearing violet. You may need to ask her twice to fight you. At the end of the fight, she will take Violet from you.
Let 3 days pass while she still has her. The next time you visit her, an event will happen.
Hi everyone. I can't get into the elf village because of the guard. I have already approached him a hundred times and even thought that the matter was in the outfit. The bartender has run out of rumors and the fortuneteller says that I have already improved my relationship with everyone at this stage. What can I do to make this elf let me through?
What rumors does the bartender say? What are the objectives in the quests menu?
The bartender says there are no rumors at the moment. And there are only 2 quests. Become the strongest sorceress (the one that is the main one) and talk to the bartender.
Try sleeping for a day and talking to the bartender the next day.
If this still doesn't work, I'll need to get and check your save to investigate this issue. Send me a message at the main website at https://townofmagic.com/contact/ with a valid email so I can contact you.
Was the way you see avalable chests in an area changed? Last time I played you could see all chests (bronze, silver, and gold) from the start of the game but with this version I don't see any till I get the Treasue Box trinket, then I can only see the bronze one.
Well an answer to my own question in case others were wondering the same thing. YES it does seem to have been changed at some point. You can see silver when you fuse the Treasure Chest Trinket with a Silver Nugget and then can see Gold chests when you fuse with a Gold Nugget. Kinda sucks that it was changed, but o well at least my game isn't bugged.
Yes. This was changed as people focused on getting the treasures early in the game, which is harder without a proper treasure finder.