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As the relationship grows with Nel. She asked me about 'who's your body belongs to' question and I said it belongs to both of us. 

And here's the problem. Nel possessed my body and being raped by monster over hour long. What's the issue is this kind of bug?

I'm on LV50 and relationship with Nel is almost 5 full bars maybe?(not sure the exact numbers)

Before letting her control, remove any skills or equipment that raise your allure.

At 0 allure, she will refrain from sexually engaging with enemies.


Gah, I really hate Evie (maybe because i also have a huge crush on Edgar and want celica x edgar content haha).  But I love Nel and Galiene and Candy!  
Props for making a game that can make me feel so many things :)

Is there a way to get out of the contract with the demoness?  I really hate her haha.  I just wanted violet back ;-; poor sweet slime girl.  And now I have to deal with demoness.

anyway super fun game, enjoying it a lot!  Hoping for more straight content too (or is Cel a lesbian?)  Because all the men are FINE AF (Edgar, the elves, the vampire dude) <3

best of luck and thanks again :)

can I transfer my save file over to another pc and if so how do I do it?

Saves are stored in the below directory:


Just copy the saves from one PC to another in the same directory.

where do i go to find appdata?

It's a shortcut to the Appdata directory. 



where [USER] is your username you login to your PC.

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im assuming that all of the stuff in the town of magic  folder are the saves


Hello, is there more than 1 gold nugget in the game? I fused the gold nugget with the fortune cat, and was wondering if there is another to use on the treasure chest? thanks.

Yes, many more in gold chests.

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How's the leveling up of the NPCs in your party supposed to work? Asking because with Evie at l.40 she's basically a deadweight in the latter game areas (Dred Valley etc) and there doesn't seem to be a good way to fix that. I took her to the Forsaken Keep, and fought l.47-48 mobs there. In time Evie gained a single level my own character (who was l.60 at that time) gained nearly 3, which makes zero sense -- if anything, it is my character who should be getting near-zero XP for curb-stomping what's effectively greys to her, while Evie should be getting XP bonus for defeating what from her PoV are "reds", thus giving her a chance to catch up level-wise.

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I was wondering how I could get to the cave shes just saying it’s too dark so do I have to wait for the story or is there something I should buy?

Proceed with the story until you unlock the beach. Battling monsters there will get you one of the two items needed. The other is in a shop.

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How do i increase the relationship stat with capt Ceres? 

Did you talk to the fortune telle

What is your game version?

version 0.60

That's as far as it goes for this version of the game.

is there any walkthrough for this game?

Not yet. I plan to make one soon. If you are stuck in the game, talk to the barkeeper for hints on how to progress.

For relationships and treasures, talk to the fortuneteller.

For fusing items, there is a book found later in the game.

Got stuck on this one, where do i find this character?

You need to buy stuff from the boy who has opened a shop near the east gate of the town.

Wat are the magic beans for?



what is "Let her .... keep her ...... for some days ....'' mean?

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the demon in the tower, you need to loose to her and then let her keep the slime captive for a few days, corrupting it with demonic magic.

Edit: Also, when the fortune teller is saying stuff abount relation ships, specific texts will be highlighted to hint at what character needs to do stuff with you

How did you get that full-body slime suit?

I think it is her (as of current build) last event. You can then toggle between them.

you have to have encountered the thieves stealing a chest with a marked skull and then they open it in the forest, you then revisit the forrest and bam mimic slime encountered, then just loose the fight against it. 

I have the normal slime suit(that looks like a swimsuit for girls) but I wanted to know how you get the slime catsuit

There is a full-body version that is currently only available on the latest version of the game on Patreon. 
That version will become free when the next version of the game releases on Patreon.

How long till that? 

i did not know a cat suit existed ... maybe the succubus's side kick the cat maybe

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Will there be AoE spells? and can you earn available AP points post level cap? and have items like the Electric Shard and Magic Beans been implemented yet? Final question(s), how many mithril pieces are there, and is there a mithril treasure finder? loving the game by the way.

Is there any way to access the Discord without being a patron?

There are 3 AoE spells. AP points cannot be earned once you reached the level cap but you can reset them at the pawn shop.

The Electric shard is needed somewhere but the beans are not implemented yet.

The link to our Discord channel is available to any who has supported the game financially. Therefore, I will not disclose the link to our Discord channel here. However, if you're a huge fan of the game, contact me at our website at, and we will give you the link.

What about SP points? (For the post-level cap question)

You gain more SP by fighting strong enemies.

Is it a bug that I can't get to the captain Ceres' cabin with Galiene?

Also, if Celice talks to Candy, then Candy's head and hands disappear.


Download the latest version of the game. All bugs have been fixed.

Hey! DEV The game tells me I still have an unfinished secret mission Madame Morgen tells me about the relationship. let me wear the violet for someday But I have tried many times and nothing happened. What should I do?

Let the demoness wear her for a few days. If you lose to her while wearing it, she will take her.

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can I gain available SP after reaching the level cap?

On a sidenote, on the next update can you alter chest rarities? I have a full bar gold chest finder (deep angry orange bar) and I can't find a single silver chest, meanwhile couple of minutes ago I found a gold chest first try the second my silver chest finder reached full bar

Side Side Note, what does the electric shard do?


This game is absolutely fantastic. Little slow at some points, but still a great experience. Is there any potential for body mod potions at all that would affect the main character or perhaps certain enemies would cause permanent(ish) transformations?


Yes. With each update, more features will be added.

Is it possible to beat the demoness the first time you fight her? Everytime I get close to winning she grabs Cecila and breaks the willpower meter which ends the fight and enslaves her.

Is this supposed to happen or is there a way to beat her?

When will there be the v0.61.010 update for everyone? I waited months for it and really cant wait to play it. Problem is i dont have Paypal to get patreon;(

The existing Patreon version becomes free when a new Patreon is out. This can take from 1~1.5 months, depending on the work needed.

I tried to download the new version and it asked if I wanted to replace the old one but once I did and started it I could see my saves but couldnt play them. Is there any help I could get

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Try loading the quicksaves in the Q section of the loading screen


thanks that worked

(2 edits) (+2)

how do I update my version?

Edit: also, what is the current level cap

Edit 2: managed to figure out how to make sure it actually updates

My relationship with Nel is 5 full bars, and the Dark Forest area is only one or two star difficulty for me (I one shot fairies with any elemental spell) but Nel only goes to the Wasp Forest for some reason

Nel goes only to areas you've been through and have battled and won.

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I've been through every area up to the Dark Forest (slime, wasp, beach, cave, magma place) and grinded at them all and am currently level 48

Edit: also how do you increase your SP? Really enjoying the game btw (other than having to spam click every time I train with Nel lol)

Edit 2: First problem fixed, just reopened game, Nel took me to the Dark Forest

You can get more SP by not fighting easy enemies. 

how do you do the mistress event with the slime one piece i dont know how to trigger it

She takes the slime one piece if she defeats you without losing it in combat. The charm spell works very well against her.
Then an event happens if you let her keep the one piece after you sign and she uses the contract.

but what if I already signed the contract 

Did she use the stone to summon you after that?

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she did at one point to find something or do something but yes i have the item

Then lose your item and have her wear it. Let her wear it for 3-4 days without getting it back, and an event will happen.

Galiene, Captain Ceres, and Selena all seem to have the majority of their last progress bar empty, but the bartender doesn't list any missing content. Are there scenes to be seen that will fill those bars as in previous game versions?


Yes, in future game versions.

can the mimic be fought again after getting the cursed watch ?

Yes. But the probability to find one heavily depends on how many days have passed since you last saw one.

Alright, thank you !

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How to hit dark fairies for more than 1-4 damage?(android)

Your damage levels depend on your character's level and the arcane stat.

I suggest you use Nel to level up your character or check for areas you might have missed.


Is there any way to increase performance on Android. Because it's clunky.

Other than that i have greatly enjoyed this

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The game was not made originally for android, so it is a little slow. However, with each update, I'll aim to improve the performance as much as possible.


I hope i did not come off as disrespectful, it was not my intention.

I thank you greatly for your time and response.

Very nice as a game, it took me a lot. I have done all the events except some of Nel because I need to find the spiritual medium. She says to look for him in Sanbine Bay, but can't find him. Maybe I'm in the wrong place or maybe I need to do something. I already have Nel ad friendship 8.9. How can I do?

On the map, go where the beach is. There is an extra map on the left side (west) that takes you to the medium.

Hi! Love your game, i was wondering if there were ever going to be plans for your allies to have scenes with the enemies as well?


Yes, but it's a lot of work. 

I'll probably work on it when I have more support and can hire more artists.


Of course, I understand. Take your time your game is already great so far.


Good game but your game running -1fps :V

Hi when is your next update for public release?


I expect it to be out within 1.5 weeks.

This post has had me hyped for almost a week straight lol.

Just finished an old version of the game, been taking my time and enjoying it a lot. No clue what the secret events I have to find are, but I'll just look for em once I get caught up again lmao, about to jump into this version. Appreciate the work brother


Keep talking about going to the fairyland. How can I get there?

Pink tree near the cave

Said to find someone to go to the elf kingdom.How can I get there?

Next to the swamp, to find the male elf, you need to click the dialogue button repeatedly, like a bug, my Android


"remove her...before going to sleep"What consciousness is it?

It's referring to the slime you wear.

Deleted 2 years ago
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Hello guys, can someone tell me if there is any limit of how much SP points  i can  get?

No, but it depends on the level of enemies you are fighting. Low-level enemies don't have much SP.

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Thanks for the anwser I was wondering about it because i already have 33 and can't get anymore

Hello there, any way to get access to the OSTs as sound files (or at the very least Nel's theme) ?

Nel's theme is composed by Alexandr Zhelanov and can be found at the following sites:

Thank you !

Can you add the Celica option to be more submissive and acceptable to Violet and her events? Like the events of Nel. I em asking this question because it is strange for me to wear her and use her constantliy while the heroine is against her and constantly protests.

This will eventually happen as their relationship grows.

Is there any way I can aquire sleeping potion to be add in the beer?? 

Get a beer and fuse it with the sleeping potion with the fusing machine.

I knew how fuse it but I need to know how to aquire that sleeping potion..where can I get it??


It is an event that happens after the event that you meet the rest of the Order of Mages.  You also need to be able to purchase the beer and should already have signed a contract with the Demoness.


Some heavy criticism:

- the mage girl is useless. Levels up SUPER-slow compared to MC and has only 2 spells. needs a buff. I suggest giving her more spells and a rubber-band solution of XP bonus if a followr is lower level than the player. The biger the difference, the bigger the bonus

- damage/level mechanics are strange. Elf girl does 700 damage to Naga, 20 to Mimic. Sems like damage recieved is scaled diretly to level. What an odd (and unsatisfying) solution. I suggest normalizing the values

- buying interface is terrible. Just let me bulk buy/sell stuff

- ghost girl possesion. Having ZERO control might make sense naratively, but from a gameplay perspective it's boring as hell. You cannot even choose the area to go. I suggest a SKIP DAY button when you get possesed. Just give me XP and items.

- aside from the grind, I don't like the MC being such a wuss. The only way to move forward in a relationship is to be a bottom b*** and agree to everyting. How about some alternatives? Ghost girl is best example of this - she basically wans to consider your body hers and game can't progress unless you accept. You aren't even allowed to defeat anyone!! I know some people get off on being dominated and I don't mind that contenent, bu I'd prefer it if it wasn't 100% of the game.

1 a few of your points are good but a few others scream "i only played for half an hour and am mad" if you keep letting ghost girl possess you she gives you the option to choose where she takes you when possessing you. 2 the ghost girl is a whole turning point, she teaches the character to be dominant instead of submissive. Please play the game before talking shit


I reached the pirate ghost girl and my criticism stands. Control of where you go is partial and comes late. Nel possesing you is BORING to watch again and again and again, but you have to do it, even if you're max level. That's why a SKIP option is needed.

aint no way you got mad at some rightful criticism, and no the ghost girl doesnt teach anyone anything the mc fights her like two times and just agrees to possession and thats it

The damage done by elf girl to various enemies seems to relate to her level. As she levels up she inflicts more damage and receives less damage from enemies. I think.

I'm on mobile and i noticed there's an area in magma mounds that i can't get to and i was wondering if there is a way to get to it?

Not yet

Ok, thanks.

Is the sundry dessert already in the game? Cause i cant find it

Yes the area is located south of Dred Valley

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