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(2 edits) (+1)

how do i improve my relation ship with captain ceres to get that body she steals back and how do i get a better money pouch after the 500 coins upgrade

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Ask the fortune teller this question, she knows the answer, taking into account your progress in the game. But usually you need to do what the characters want and buy special things in L's shop.

To use some items from the inventory on the right, you need to click on them with the mouse or your finger, depending on the device.


122/123 hidden events, any idea what I could have missed?

Also this is the best game I've found like this, I will be adding more donations :)

There are no missable events. Talk to the fortune-teller or the barkeeper to get a hint. 

(3 edits)

how do i get  more empty potion containers

(1 edit)

Evie seemed to say that stolen items are often found in the pawn shop. When you first play through the game, it is extremely important to read all the dialogue, otherwise you will get confused later.

Added after rewriting the question.

Try to become her friend. And trust this ghost in everything. Even in relation to Celica's body (let her win a couple of times and then the plot will tell you).

Someone took Celica's body on the ghost ship and I can't figure out how to get it back. I talk to everyone, try to possess, etc., nothing works. I can't leave either. What do I do?

Usually you need to either find this body using the icons on the map, or talk to one of the characters, for example, Clara and do as she says. It depends on the specific quest.

I see the body and have talked to everyone, but nothing is working. Clara also is not telling me to do anything.

who in gods name is velveti and how do i show the celestian to her?

In this game, the player needs to better understand the game's plot, mechanics, and the names of the main characters. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to play this RPG. 

Velvetia is a character that resembles a talking flying hat. In fact, you need to give her a reason to sit on our blonde's head and go for a walk. If you received a hint about this from the fortune teller, then visit a cheerful company near Lucina's house.

Could you make it so hats get put back on automatically when clothes are removed by events, like other clothes are?

At the moment, no. But when the game author reads your message, he might change something in new versions of the game.

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How meny gold nugets are there in the game. Is there enough to uppgrade all accessories?

They are enough to improve basic artifacts, according to the book of fusions in the library.

How to defeat the rage demon in the toxic lake world? I'm getting stuck

Demon generals are a modern horror for non-professional players in this genre.

Therefore, the general strategy is as follows, for all generals:

1. Charge Celestian energy to 100%.

2. Read a book with tips in the library, especially about using sexual tricks to save health.

3. Before the battle, put on the most protective suit, for example, an elven one.

4. Before the battle, save the game to return to it after unsuccessful attempts. And also a stock of health potions and magic.

5. Well, and the general strategy: at the first attempt, try to use regular or strong spells, without using Celestian energy. To understand when the demon starts using cheat codes. Usually such things are tied to the demon's health bar.

6. At the next attempt, up to these values, you can use Celestian magic to freeze time and weaken the demon as much as possible.

7. If there is little health left, you need to try to use the magic of attraction. To do this, read the tips in the library and look for artifacts.

I passed with the help of Celestian energy and random experiments with potions, other players pass by combining different tactics.

:v i dont know how to awk celestian energy

Who is Miriam? I don't have the slightest idea where to find her.


This is a monster hunter. Her quest must be completed first as Celica (somewhere near the big lake), and then in Faylen's body (in the swamp). 

And you need to read all the dialogues, otherwise many things will be unclear. 

The fortune teller, the bartender and the hints on the map also help.

Guys how to defeat Glace?

Read about the elements in the game in the library and find Glace's weaknesses.

Is there a way to give another body to the crewmate in the cave or this is all I can do  for this version for now?. (note: I'm not talking about the faylen one)

The list of shared bodies is currently very short, so there is no choice there. Only the elf you specified.


i updated the game after weeks again and played the new stuff and i recognized that hugo (the imp with the store) is gone, is there a reason for? and how should i get the affections items now?


Hugo is the author of the character, the character's name starts with the letter L. No one deleted her, this character just doesn't want to stay in one location, so look for her somewhere else, for example, near the lake or ruins.

How to defeadt Elish guys it's so hard for me

Who is this? There is no such character in the game.
May be Elith?

ye my bad


To defeat Elith, you need speed, powerful spells, because she defeats Celica in 3-4 turns. Therefore, you need to acquire the appropriate artifacts in your inventory and master several strong spells. And the level is about 90. In this case, defeating Elith becomes real.


The game is more than excellent, it's spectacular, but I'm having trouble getting the Dark Nova spell, I let the gray cyclopus grab onto Celica but nothing happens other than him masturbating her and nothing else, so I wanted to know if there are more specific requirements (e.g. amount of orgasms) to unlock the fight with the mind flayer and finally get the Dark Nova spell.

If you carefully studied the quest with the appearance of the old prison in the swamp, then you have a special ring in your inventory, with a clear hint in the name. If not, go to the abandoned prison. And try to experiment with the cyclops, putting on this ring in advance. And it is important to leave the light cyclops for the end.

(2 edits)

I didn't quite understand what you meant, I'm level 90 and I already have the Mind Flayer Ring (after all, it's a mandatory requirement to find a gray cyclopus), and I went to the swamp and the white cyclopus appeared, but from what I saw in the game's wiki it's to leave the gray cyclopus attached to Celica and not take it off, I did that and left only the white cyclopus alive but he only masturbates Celica and nothing else, the wiki said that this would defeat Celica and take her to prison, but it takes a long time and I end up losing my patience. When you get to this part of the encounter with the gray cyclopus, what you have to do is just let him grab your celica and masturbate it? Until when do you have to let him masturbate it? 

I don't remember the details of this stage anymore, because it was done back when this quest appeared, but I think I used Faylen for this quest, not Celica. Maybe other players know better.


When the White Cyclops takes Celica, a new status bar appears: Mind Control. When the mind control is full, only then will he use Celica's body to open the portal.

the mind control bar does not appear, it only appears in cefrina or elite

Are you facing the White Cyclops alone? You don't have to have any companion, nor do you have to wear Violet. And also, you have to defeat the other black cyclops: only the white cyclops must remain.

Can you tell me how to increase the level of the Celestian form?

Meditation (faster), Celica's usual work in the guild (slower). That is, you can give Nel a body and she will help restore this parameter.


Best game I have played from
Played 14h in a row and will now support on Patreon. 
Like Borat said: "Very nice."

Will there be more creatures added to the game that can take over and control the heroine's mind?

The author does not disclose advance information.

Hello thanks for the game with your guide i unlock my celestian form 

I want ask question  how open lesbian sex between celicia and evie with dildo?

To do this, you just need to follow the plot and spend time with Celica's friends (her name is Celica). The characters' dialogues contain all the necessary information.

How to help the old man at the pier?

The guy with the lab will give you something that will help the fisherman.

cant get to the succubus ring for selena, Ive tried going to the demoness and getting galien in a party at the same day but on the next day nothing changes, I go to her house in the morning and she's there and not her cat. Should i be going somewhere else or is it some other thing im missing or is it a bug, I do not know. Can someone pls help?

Some quests were broken in early builds of beta 0.71. So if you are using such a build, then the problem may be in this. But more often the reason arises from the fact that the player does not complete some story or personal quests of other characters. So talk about this with the bartender and fortune teller. 

In this situation, the level of relationship with Nel is very important. Start checking with her.

(1 edit)

Nel is max do I need to unlock feyen first? Because candy is is already at level 5 I tried going to the deepwood forest and feyen is not there and I'm currently at level 45 and the bartender says explore alone in the scorching sands

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I usually follow simple logic: first I look for new story quests (if I don't have enough logic, I go talk to the bartender, but this point should obviously be the second :-) ), then I try to help Celica become a better mage (search for new ingredients, improve items in the inventory, use items and skills in battles, increase levels for Candy, Faylen to green levels), best friend (for this we ask Nel to use the body, inviting friends, at the same time we pump up Celica's level and friendship). Well, and then you can ask the fortune teller how to improve the relationship. Usually you need to complete some quests or buy an artifact from L.

In general, it is difficult to get stuck in this game, especially when compared to other jRPGs.

I lost violet in battle, I went to the fortuneteller and she said "meet her by the well in the forest" yet she's not showing up.

So I'm at bond level 5.9 with Violet and Madame Morgaine says to talk to her by the well but when I do, nothing happens, even when I fight her and let her win or say yes to her using the charm spell on me, is there something I'm missing?

In this part, if I'm not mistaken, you have to use the game's initial clothes (the clothes that appear when you start the game) and then click on the 2nd option, which would be the three dots "...", from there a new scene will appear. I hope I helped.

Thank you! This worked

(1 edit)

You're welcome, I don't know if you can help me but if you can I would appreciate it, so I'm having trouble getting the white cyclopus to take me to the final fight with the mind flayer, because the damn thing just grabs Celica and nothing else, I'm at level 90 I use the mind flayer ring and defeat the other 2 black cyclopuses alone and I don't use any armor, but still the cyclopus doesn't control the character's mind it just grabs her and nothing else ( The wiki guide says that you should let him grab the character for a while, then he would control the character and open a portal to the mind flayer. ), if you had a tip I would be very grateful

There's a Status called "Mind control" when he grabs you, just let it fuck you till that status reach 100% and deliver you to the mindflayer(he's still a little bitch btw)

Don't work, the mind control bar does not appear when grabbing the character  

The game's wiki has not been updated in over a year.  Is there any chance that more info on characters and quests could be added to the wiki please?  I know players are supposed to ask the bartender or fortune teller for help finding new content, but sometimes their hints are very vague and hard to understand.

Work on the Wiki will be continued only if there is free time for it. And to understand the hints you need to at least delve into the world of the game a little, because this is an RPG for adults, and not an adult game with RPG elements.

i cant figure out how to get to the clothing shop/ change my clothes

Click the buttons in the Equip menu.

i clicked every button in the equip menu and nothing popped up or changed 

Try using the game downloaded from this page, not from a third-party site. In a working version of the game, the appearance settings are made in Equip -> Appearance.

Deimus has created a very easy to understand interface, so it should not cause any problems. But it is highly recommended to read all the books in the Agranor library. After that, it will be easier for you to play and win.

Are people really distributing copies of "Town of Magic" that have generally the same content but are missing some rather old features (such as the ability to change clothes)?  I'm seeing you reply with this advice under many comments here, and it's giving me the feeling that you're pushing an agenda, not trying to address the specific problem that you're replying to.

1. The quality of the answer depends entirely on the quality of the question.

2. The authors of the questions rarely provide the necessary technical information about the game.

3. You can always leave a solution that you think is correct in parallel with my answer or the answer of other visitors.

And your authoritative opinion about my answers or the answers of others who want to help others is of no interest to anyone, so you can keep it to yourself ;-)

i re installed the game from this page and there still wasnt an option for appearance could you show me how its suppoused to look like?

Equip - Appearance - Click to clothes and arrows to change pages.

If there's no appearance, then you need to visit the tailor. 
The tailor appears in the central plaza after you have mastered at least 4 skills.


In order to unlock clothing shop you need to fully upgrade 3 pieces of equipments, then you'll meet the tailor at Agranor Central Plaza and the shop will be unlocked.

As for changing clothes, go to "Equip" -> "Appearance", from these you can select different clothing.

how you get the hair?

Nel influence have to be full

How? Like let her auto play or have her story finished? Im stuck on 11.9

I let Glace take my body and then I followed her into Evie's room. Is there a way to see more of them?

Dude I can't find her 😭 do u know  where glace is?

Unlock the stone gate on snowy village

thank u






I cant get to the succubus ring for selena, Ive tried going to the demoness and getting galien in a party at the same day but on the next day nothing changes, I go to her house in the morning and she's there and not her cat. Should i be going somewhere else or is it some other thing im missing or is it a bug, I do not know.  Can someone pls help?

How do I get help past 10.9 the crystal ball lady says experience more events but im not to sure what refers to i can fight nel again but I dont know if that has anything to do with it and as far as progression goes ive made it to the dark wood in the dread Valley with ruins unlocked and the hero (liam?) Is not a stone anymore.

You can forget these numbers, just talk to the fortune teller, the bartender, look at the map and read the dialogues carefully. The characters who give the quest can also repeat its essence. The lady with the crystal ball hinted to you that you have not made much progress in the plot, the bartender will help with this.

I'm level 90 and can't defeat the wrath demon can u give me tips to overcome?

Scroll through this page, there were at least 2 options.

Genuinely enjoyed this game.  It's got a good RPG progression system and the art is wonderful.  Though a great deal of content is locked behind a character I don't like (Nel) I can't deny the game is good.  I don't mind content being locked behind 'losing' to an important enemy, but making the player fight an enemy, who has stats, only for them to turn out to be actually invincible (The armor thing) is a dick move.

(1 edit)

How do I get Faylen past bond level 4.9. When asking the fortune teller she says I need to increase my bond level with Nel but thats already at max.

To improve the bond between characters, Celica usually uses a special item in L.'s shop, joint walks to monsters, and some story quests with the characters indicated in the tip.

There are problems with this in early beta versions of 0.71. So if you are using a copy of the game from third-party sites, wait until the stable version of the game is released or try to work on other characters.

How do I fix a glitch I'm stuck at the house and cant leave

After beating the second general does the story still continue or does it stop ? Becz for me I can't progress anymore 

In the current beta version of the game (0.71.012) this is the end of the story with the Demon King. The continuation will be in the next versions of the game.

Oh ok

Deleted 75 days ago
(1 edit)

For beginners, the Agranor library contains books describing the game mechanics, alchemical formulas and tips.

The library is located near Celica's house.

(1 edit)

yeah I know where the library is and the mechanics where easy enough without the books! In fact I made it past the 1st pub scene without much need to reference the books even though i know tgey are there but hey thanks for the tip though because being a newbie I know I can come here for advice! BTW you sound like you've played the game before, any tips on other similar games? I ask because I could use a couple of others outside the usual dragon quest/final fantasy and town of magic!

Edit: damn it I deleted my original post which shows how closely I pay attention lol

Under the picture from Domenea on this page there is a link to City of Secrets. Well, and it seems that in my profile you noticed another game, based on the work of one English writer. Perhaps they will seem interesting.

I think other members of the game community can recommend you more games like this.

I like game and I like when it offered a choice to the player like in the intro which rewarded friendship points or late demoness events also I like the creation in the dwarven hols showing back stories, quite nice.

I wonder how game will progress and how the other characters with little side quests get fleshed out

I hope the glace events get better down the line, the only event I really enjoyed was was the maid mansion event at least that fleshed out the maid character. Ah well can't please everyone, moving on. 

Only time will tell what's next In store for the franchise as we draw closer to the 1.0 release.

keep up the good work!

does body influence do anything?

It doesn't do anything particularly important to the plot. But in some situations it can be useful. A lot depends on your playstyle and curiosity. Most likely, its potential can be better realized closer to version 1.0.

You can't expel Faylen if Cindy's influence is too high

What the heck is up with the Noxtar? I literally cant progress because im stuck in a infinite stun lock with them. Also I have no option to remove them, combat just randomly ends and they are perma stuck on the character and they keep attacking. If you are going to do this atleast give players an options to skip through the animations so im not stuck waiting for 10 mins of being animation stunned.

To avoid such situations, you need to:

1. Read the dialogues.

2. Study the game mechanics in the library.

3. Do not use raw, outdated beta versions from third-party sites.

Deleted 22 hours ago

Is there Anything Else to do With The Psylith In The Current Version maybe a way to communicate with her idk

In the current beta (0.71) there are no interactions with this character other than the introduction and a scene with a special "massage" that is performed when trying to communicate.

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