Is there something special I need to do for the Hotspring event? Celestial form is at level 1 and it's progress is full but no matter how many times I meditate I can't unlock it
The two thieves stole the celestial sword and I cannot remember what to do after that. any tips? I just remember the guild saying something or to go somewhere. I just cannot remember.
Continue through the story and follow the tips of the bartender and the fortune teller.
The plot of the game is designed in such a way that some quests can fade into the background, and you can return to them later, when the plot of the game progresses further.
Essentially, your task is to bring a girl with a sword, take her back, and sometimes visit the ship. Well, your assistant may well be a fortuneteller. It tells you what exactly the game expects from you.
I ran into a bug, where the gem to upgrade the 1000coin wallet never added to my inventory after it popped up saying I got it. Now I have the topaz, but it will not upgrade either.
I love the game, I'm at like 98% done with the available content. My only complaint would be that pretty much only the player character is harassed by the monsters.
Cats usually love to eat seafood or river food, and in order to lure people, you need to talk to them. And visit that place periodically. where to lure.
The fortune teller tells of a book in an elf bedroom but the only ones I can think of is faylen and galiane that of which both locations doesn't well do anything-
Elementary: the basis of this game is the plot. And 18+ is an addition.
Therefore, the main character’s pregnancy will look stupid and inappropriate. Try asking a pregnant girl if she wants to go into the forest to fight monsters.
Therefore, when the game's story is completed, there is some possibility that additional mechanics will be added to the game. But it’s too early to talk about this yet.
I was more asking why you decided that it'd work for the ending at all, but that makes sense! And a fertilization animation without showing the pregnancy till the end wouldn't work when the player can take their sweet, sweet time actually beating the game.
I'd ask if having a pregnancy debuff before spawning an ally after some time would be a good idea... except the game's not balanced around that and it'd be a lot of work to appease a niche section of your fanbase.
Still, really hyped that you decided to consider it for the ending!
If you systematically developed skills and relationships, and also completed other quests, then the second golem will appear in the same place the next day. You can also try talking to the Dwarf King and the guys guarding the exit from the dwarven city.
When I went through this stage, Celica talked to those guys, the king, and then she went to bed. And in the morning she returned to the temple and the second golem was already available there.
I have a problem here. In the guide, if you want to upgrade the wallet, you need to search turqoise or ruby stone in the waterfall and desset. I already search all of them, but it seems they're not spawning in my run. I even use mithril treasure chest, but they still not appear. Anybody have some solution for this?
Check the color of the indicator for the probability of a rare artifact appearing. It is located on the left under the main game screen. With each new victory, the indicator fills up and its color tends to red. And the closer it is to red, the higher the likelihood of a chest with a rare artifact appearing.
You can read about similar features of the game in small books in Agranor's library (next to Сeliсa's house).
If these are indicators above characters, then they are activated using special items and/or skills.
In short, additional information about the battle can be obtained first with the help of special artifacts that need to be placed in Celica’s small inventory (located under the health and magic indicator and containing only 3 cells), and after studying it, you can simply activate it in the skill settings.
More information about this can be found in the Agranor library (located not far from Celica’s house), in the book about skills.
Usually the problem with obtaining a second such artifact is due to the fact that you either Celica is not sufficiently friendly with Nel, or you do not have enough experience in using artifacts.
In my case, this artifact became available simply on the next game day.
I try to follow the recommendations from the books in Agranor's library so that Celica develops all her skills and attitudes. Then the gameplay occurs easily and without problems.
In this case, try going to the guild, talk to Bert (and with Edgar if available), and also visit the bartender and the fortuneteller.
For Celica will need the help of some characters and their quests must be completed (it is difficult to indicate exactly here, because it is not known which quests you have already completed and what skills you have already mastered).
Thank you for message. It was sent to the author of the game.
In the case of some errors, the Rollback button usually cannot help. It will only help if you replaced the files containing the error without turning off the game. But often the error can be ignored (Ignore).
It doesn't let me talk to the guy at the tavern. I'm not worried about not being able to know where the mission is. I'm worried that there is an event that requires me to talk to the guy at the tavern and now I can advance further in the game. Any solution, please help me.
Describe the situation that happens when you enter a tavern and try to talk to the bartender.
You need to provide more details (and also indicate the game version number, it is displayed on the main screen of the game when starting, for example: 0.67.010).
hi, when passing the glace branch, I had such an error, it occurred after I gave Glace a body on the advice of a fortune teller that Glace was Selika, and flew in the form of a ghost to the schoolhouse + in the form of a ghost flew to the house to File
Well, if the hints are complicated, then Nel is Celica's best friend. I personally don’t participate in the game and you don’t need to be friends with me there :-)
For several days, Celica must carry out the actions in the order in which Kimiko indicated (you can ask her again about this). And when Nel begins to interfere, Celica need to accept her help.It will be a good sign when Celica begins to doubt.But Celica must continue to meditate.
I'm stuck at 45/89 Events. I explored the oasis several times and nothing is discovered since Liam run away. I did not find the desert city yet. The barkeeper only says something about Lucan's sister. Don't know Lucan or his sister.
Try walking at different times of the day in the area of the eastern gate of Agranor. Lucan is usually somewhere there, and his sister lives further north, also in Agranor.
I sell the items because Nel keeps equipping them over what I want equipped, if there was a chest were I could store them in instead I woulda done that, also why not immediately make everything that was sold immediately available to be bought? what is this some kind of you've been a bad child punishment? it's inconvenient for no apparent reasons. as for why I sold the beans, OCD. It was or used to be useless at the time of the comment I read stating such so I cleaned up inventory. borderline mentally ill sounding amiright?
This game is really fun, I just finished getting all events, maxing relationships, getting spells and maxing all the skills and equipment upgrades, I wish there were a bestiary and the quests list had more completion info but overall I would highly recommend this game I have no serious complaints
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When to update,It's been 100 days
As soon as possible.
Hey, i'm looking to move my computer from Mac to windows. Is there a way to move saves between the two?
You can transfer data using some cloud service or portable storage device.
Paths to the main save folder:
MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/
Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic
Is there something special I need to do for the Hotspring event? Celestial form is at level 1 and it's progress is full but no matter how many times I meditate I can't unlock it
Update: Nevermind. That just showed how much duration I had for the form
What is this? if its a gallery mode how i can unclock?
This is a graphical list of the main game mechanics and monsters.
You can open the gallery mode according to the story, when Celica begins to help the dream demon.
To do this, you will need to try to get out of the dream world without the help of a friend and use the obelisk.
Thanks you soo much
Follow the clues of Edgar, the bartender, the fortune teller. During this part of the story, it is important to read all the dialogue in the game.
The two thieves stole the celestial sword and I cannot remember what to do after that. any tips? I just remember the guild saying something or to go somewhere. I just cannot remember.
Continue through the story and follow the tips of the bartender and the fortune teller.
The plot of the game is designed in such a way that some quests can fade into the background, and you can return to them later, when the plot of the game progresses further.
the only tip he gives me is to invest into the little brothers shop. I do not know what else to do
event 45/89
The quest with this guy is mandatory, so you need to complete it. Because it's important to the plot.
The bartender and the fortuneteller indicate plot-important quests, so you need to listen to them.
I still don't understand how to make Ceres become my teammate as Galeine... I mean fight her and win then what happen?
Essentially, your task is to bring a girl with a sword, take her back, and sometimes visit the ship. Well, your assistant may well be a fortuneteller. It tells you what exactly the game expects from you.
ok thanks, i understand
I think we can add some Chinese.After all, my English is not very good.
As soon as people appear who will help translate the game into this or other languages.
How do i fully awakan the celestial form?
It takes a lot of meditation. And practice.
Is it possible to attain without a certain friend lending a helping hand?
How do i increased my wallet size ?
Use the device in Morden's laboratory, the book of fusions in the library (indicates the formulas), as well as special stones.
I ran into a bug, where the gem to upgrade the 1000coin wallet never added to my inventory after it popped up saying I got it. Now I have the topaz, but it will not upgrade either.
I'm not too far into the game yet I think but is it possible to have Evie get sexually harassed by monsters when in party?
At the moment, this is not available. But this can be added later.
I love the game, I'm at like 98% done with the available content. My only complaint would be that pretty much only the player character is harassed by the monsters.
The monsters' attention to Celica is part of the plot, because she is not an ordinary girl. (This is already a tradition in most games :-) )
Cats usually love to eat seafood or river food, and in order to lure people, you need to talk to them. And visit that place periodically. where to lure.
How do you get captain edgar to the watch tower
To follow the story: talk to other characters and go to the beach.
Will there be sound to the characters during scenes and fights in the future?
At the moment, the main focus is on advancing the game's story. However, various improvements may appear in any update in the future.
У меня версия игры 0.68.003 когда будет продолжение
Судя по данным на странице прогресса, новая версия может выйти к началу следующей недели, но это неточно.
Спасибо за что ответил
How do you get violet of you the first time?
She usually lives near the old well, where thieves freed her.
If you are trying to find her, then just follow the story and the bartender's tips and the icons on the map.
I didn't get the hint from the bartender, but after she gets released at any point after that you can find her there.
Thx for the help
Зачем баначка меда
Для версий 0.67 и 0.68 - пока что просто чтобы была. Пока не используется.
Where do you find the missing shoe for the toy maker?
Try to help the fisherman. And then take a walk in the town square of Agranor.
Will it be possible in the next version to spent the skill points on the spells of possesed people?
Information about the features of the next versions almost always remains a surprise.
The fortune teller tells of a book in an elf bedroom but the only ones I can think of is faylen and galiane that of which both locations doesn't well do anything-
Try starting spirit training and have Celica walk around the map as a ghost. Beyond Agranor...
Is there a guide for the latest version of the game? i found a guide for 2 versions ago but i want to advance Violet mor
The guide's author is not yet able to update this document in a timely manner, so it is unknown when the next update of this guide will be released.
Therefore, communicate more with the fortuneteller.
Will there be impreg?
Not at the moment. But maybe in the final version.
Looking back on's roster of adult games, I realized that you were already asked this question before I asked. Sorry about that!
What made you change your mind? And how would you implement it if it's something you decide to go for?
Elementary: the basis of this game is the plot. And 18+ is an addition.
Therefore, the main character’s pregnancy will look stupid and inappropriate. Try asking a pregnant girl if she wants to go into the forest to fight monsters.
Therefore, when the game's story is completed, there is some possibility that additional mechanics will be added to the game. But it’s too early to talk about this yet.
I was more asking why you decided that it'd work for the ending at all, but that makes sense! And a fertilization animation without showing the pregnancy till the end wouldn't work when the player can take their sweet, sweet time actually beating the game.
I'd ask if having a pregnancy debuff before spawning an ally after some time would be a good idea... except the game's not balanced around that and it'd be a lot of work to appease a niche section of your fanbase.
Still, really hyped that you decided to consider it for the ending!
Hey is there any way to spawn in a second magma orb because no matter what I do the golem wont respawn
If you systematically developed skills and relationships, and also completed other quests, then the second golem will appear in the same place the next day. You can also try talking to the Dwarf King and the guys guarding the exit from the dwarven city.
When I went through this stage, Celica talked to those guys, the king, and then she went to bed. And in the morning she returned to the temple and the second golem was already available there.
Hey where do I get the mindflayer ring?
In the swamp, not far from the entrance to the elf enclave.
From an event or just exploring
A new prison location should appear there, the ring will be in it. This will happen after the event.
I have a problem here. In the guide, if you want to upgrade the wallet, you need to search turqoise or ruby stone in the waterfall and desset. I already search all of them, but it seems they're not spawning in my run. I even use mithril treasure chest, but they still not appear. Anybody have some solution for this?
Check the color of the indicator for the probability of a rare artifact appearing. It is located on the left under the main game screen. With each new victory, the indicator fills up and its color tends to red. And the closer it is to red, the higher the likelihood of a chest with a rare artifact appearing.
You can read about similar features of the game in small books in Agranor's library (next to Сeliсa's house).
hello, I also have the same problem here, can't find the turquoise gem to upgrade wallet.
with treasure finder equipped, the treasure indicator on the bottom-right side doesn't show any gold or rare treasures left.
any suggestions on this?
Alternatively, go to the fortuneteller and ask her about the treasures. You can also visit L.
is there somewhere we can find the controls? and if not should be something to add as i can't figure out what the button is for battle zoom
What do you understand by the word "controls"?
If these are indicators above characters, then they are activated using special items and/or skills.
In short, additional information about the battle can be obtained first with the help of special artifacts that need to be placed in Celica’s small inventory (located under the health and magic indicator and containing only 3 cells), and after studying it, you can simply activate it in the skill settings.
More information about this can be found in the Agranor library (located not far from Celica’s house), in the book about skills.
Hey I've getting the second magma orb by letting a day pass and going back but it never respawns can I get some help?
Usually the problem with obtaining a second such artifact is due to the fact that you either Celica is not sufficiently friendly with Nel, or you do not have enough experience in using artifacts.
In my case, this artifact became available simply on the next game day.
I try to follow the recommendations from the books in Agranor's library so that Celica develops all her skills and attitudes. Then the gameplay occurs easily and without problems.
Im curently at max level and my bond with nel is maxed
In this case, try going to the guild, talk to Bert (and with Edgar if available), and also visit the bartender and the fortuneteller.
For Celica will need the help of some characters and their quests must be completed (it is difficult to indicate exactly here, because it is not known which quests you have already completed and what skills you have already mastered).
Thank you for message. It was sent to the author of the game.
In the case of some errors, the Rollback button usually cannot help. It will only help if you replaced the files containing the error without turning off the game.
But often the error can be ignored (Ignore).
How can i get violet back
Win a duel.
I forgot to delete it, i got her back.
Yes, this is a common thing: in this game many questions can be solved using logic or the built-in help system.
It doesn't let me talk to the guy at the tavern. I'm not worried about not being able to know where the mission is. I'm worried that there is an event that requires me to talk to the guy at the tavern and now I can advance further in the game. Any solution, please help me.
Describe the situation that happens when you enter a tavern and try to talk to the bartender.
You need to provide more details (and also indicate the game version number, it is displayed on the main screen of the game when starting, for example: 0.67.010).
Эта ошибка исправлена в следующей версии игры (0.68), а в текущей пока используйте кнопку "Игнорировать".
Нажмите на область игнорирования, и все вернется в норму.
Um, how can I awake Celestian form? Or is it still not?
In short: you need to meditate a lot, and also trust your friend. And after doubts, Celica needs to keep trying.
that is all? Has anyone gotten that form yet?
Well, this form for Celica was seen by everyone who completed the current versions of the game.
what do you mean ( trust your friend? )
If a friend offers to help you, you don’t have to refuse.
um… Do you mean FRIEND is the game or YOU? If it’s you, THANK a lot.
Well, if the hints are complicated, then Nel is Celica's best friend. I personally don’t participate in the game and you don’t need to be friends with me there :-)
For several days, Celica must carry out the actions in the order in which Kimiko indicated (you can ask her again about this). And when Nel begins to interfere, Celica need to accept her help. It will be a good sign when Celica begins to doubt. But Celica must continue to meditate.
I'm stuck at 45/89 Events. I explored the oasis several times and nothing is discovered since Liam run away. I did not find the desert city yet. The barkeeper only says something about Lucan's sister. Don't know Lucan or his sister.
What do I miss?
Try walking at different times of the day in the area of the eastern gate of Agranor. Lucan is usually somewhere there, and his sister lives further north, also in Agranor.
Can we cheating on this game
I believe the Patreon version has cheats. I am like two seconds from joining their Patreon to be a version ahead.
In principle, this game does not require cheat codes, because:
1. There are no useless mini-games.
2. If the heroine dies, there is always an automatic save at the start of the game day.
3. Leveling up can be simplified with the help of a translucent girlfriend.
4. There is a hint system.
On the defense of OP the fights are way too slow and their connection the story makes the game a little boring after some point
Basically, this is a flaw in most RPGs. It's good that there are no useless mini-games in this game :-)
alright let me ask you, what the fuck do I do when I lose quest critical items by selling them?
You need to think twice before selling items. Especially if the characters indicate that these items can be useful.
Otherwise, you will have to periodically look for them in in-game stores and in pawn shops.
I sell the items because Nel keeps equipping them over what I want equipped, if there was a chest were I could store them in instead I woulda done that, also why not immediately make everything that was sold immediately available to be bought? what is this some kind of you've been a bad child punishment? it's inconvenient for no apparent reasons. as for why I sold the beans, OCD. It was or used to be useless at the time of the comment I read stating such so I cleaned up inventory. borderline mentally ill sounding amiright?
Honestly, great game. Love the events and the animations. I wish there were more games like this.
What does the "beer?" do?
Usually beer makes one guy in the guild happier. But Domenea clearly told Celica that this time the effect might be different.
Check if there are any hints told by the fortuneteller or the barkeeper.
Try having Cindy take Faylen, by becoming her and visiting the Treasure cave. After that, visit the desert palace as Celica.
This game is really fun, I just finished getting all events, maxing relationships, getting spells and maxing all the skills and equipment upgrades, I wish there were a bestiary and the quests list had more completion info but overall I would highly recommend this game I have no serious complaints
yep, this game is hidden gem is should say
Love the game