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How do i get faylene to talk to the ghost

i cant remember what i did, but i think you need nel to initiate it.


Why is this game feels so slow? My device isn't really bad, but game is still feels like 15-20 fps

i have same problem

Where do I find Glace?

Someone can tell me how to Expand my money bag? Im stuck in 500 coins :(

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Biggest tip of advice i can give you, is get the treasure finder asap. Equip it. Buy the light source thing from one of the shops. I think its the magic shop, i cant remember. Then get the pendant that increases your allure (dont remember where i got it). Wear it when you go to the plaza to get Mordred to talk to you. Then follow him to his place to unlock the fuse ability. He gives you a stone tablet which is for something else unrelated (give to fisherman on docks). Go to the beach (same screen as the docks; which is south of the slimes). Making sure you have the treasure finder equipped, keep battling the jellyfish until you get a silver chest. Which SHOULD be a lantern. 

At the bottom of the battle screen, you'll see the treasure chest icon with a meter next to it. Each time you battle an enemy (and win), the bar on the meter will rise a little. Once it reaches 100%, further battles will turn it to light orange, to orange, to red. The closer it is to red, the more likely a silver or gold chest will appear. Once you get the chest, the treasure chest meter will reset. If you escape from battle, it will also reset. If you leave the area, it will also reset. 

Anyway. Take the lantern and the light source to Mordred's place and fuse them together to get a lamp. Equip it. You should still have the treasure finder equipped. Go to the cave (same screen as the fairy tree and bee forest), and fight rockspitters until a gold chest and silver chest drops. Silver chest has a silver ore. Gold chest has a gold ore. Take the silver and gold ore to the Fuse shop and fuse the silver to the treasure finder, then fuse your newly acquired silver treasure finder with the gold to get gold treasure finder. Equip it. Then start running every stage you can until you get every silver and gold chest. You'll see how many you have left in the bottom right corner of the battle screen. it'll have a number next to them on how many you have left. The stages where you can find wallet upgrades are generally in the silver chests on stages. I want to say one is in the waterfall area (same screen as elf entrance and marshlands) and the desert area (screen south of fairy forest). 

If you get every silver chest from every area, you'll get quite a few empty bottles. i'm up to the snowy area (haven't managed to unlock the battle area yet), and i've already got 7 bottles.

but, how i Expand my money bag? :( i understand but ur talking me about a different thing

Some stones are found in silver chests in the waterfall and desert areas. You use the fuse machine to fuse them with your wallet.
To get them, though, it will help to have the treasure finder.


I might mis-remember but I think that you can upgrade your money bag just by playing and checking the shop occasionally.

na, you need to fuse gems with the wallet. Which i explained.

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Alright, I've gotten pretty far in this game, but I'm at a loss as to how to progress and get more areas. 

So far, I have unlocked the Dock, Magma Mound, Misty Marsh, Oasis, Scorching Sands, Sundry Celestial Ruins, and they won't let me in Elf Town. So far, the only thing I can see to do is further relationships. I want to know how to unlock new areas.

What are the barkeeper hints? 
At one point, you will meet an elf in the forest who will arrange for you to enter the city. 
After talking to Bert to arrange the meeting, you will need to go to the lighthouse for an event.
After that event, just keep talking to the elf guard in the Elf Town.

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Go figure, the moment I complain that I'm making no progress, I make progress. Apparently all I need to do in this game is complain about it, lose, or let Nel do everything for me.


generally speaking, the barkeeper and fortune teller are who you need to talk to if you get stumped. Although, there was one point when the barkeeper ran out of advice. I had to rely on the fortune teller.

How to find Miriam? And is the abandoned house the Eleth house?

Deleted 1 year ago
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Ok i figured it out you need to play enough to the point where you take control of Faylen as a spirit. Then you need to level her up to level 20 (max level) and use her skill to reveal hidden things inside of the prison place guarded by the squid thing. After you do that you will be put into a boss battle and after you win you get some kind of ring from him. After that if you ask how to improve your relation ship with Selena it will say visit her in your dreams. Thats what I did at least so I think it should work. 

Edit: after I went to the dream world when you ask to leave its different. you will know its different because they talk about nel

people, who can tell? I need to find the field where the gnomes trained, and is it possible to somehow remove the mind control? there are also the last events with the lady and two events with Selena. Tips do not help, but I don’t know what to do to close everything 100%. After all, there are still 3 missions with Glace, as well as secret missions for which there is no hint

honestly, the battle with the mage squid and the gray squid is complete bullshit, sorry for the jargon ... not a fair fight in which everything is decided by random. It's disgusting, I literally just tried to go through this battle and as a result I was beaten, and I either tried to remove a squid or a squid magician ... it's boring, not fair and pathetic, I really hope that this battle will be redone

just out of curiosity, was it the one where you teamed up with the blue haired lady hunter to fight in the marsh? or is it the one where you fight the squid disguised as a warden in the prison? The one with the blue haired lady felt random because of the confusion debuff. Drink an anti-confusion potion to prevent that.

no, it was exactly the one where you yourself needed the squid to capture your mind, then move the squid to the magician and here is the biggest headache
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ok, i'm stumped af. Just got through using the time machine for the 2nd part of Nel's past, and now the Barkeeper is telling me there's no new rumors. The lady at the hot springs is still making excuses, and the Glacial Grotto Entrance needs some sort of item. Similar to the item needed to unfreeze the gate. But i dont know how to get the orb out of the gate entrance.

Go back to Lion's Temple and get another orb.

Someone said i have to progress the story far enough to get another fire golem to spawn there, but so far, nothing is happening when i go to the temple. The fortune teller tells me i cant do anything for Ceres anymore, the Bartender has no more rumors, and the only thing i can do now is find the next body for this next ghost (the one after Faylen). She said something about a tough person, but i dont know who that would be.


I would like to know if any futanari content will be added in the future?


If its added, i would request its given a toggle option for people like me who dont like seeing it.

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i know the bar keeper and gypsy are suppose to be the guides for the game but mabye in the quest menu it could give a n exact sentence on what your suppose to do next at all times? or like a guide on your website or something? 
love the game but i gata say i be getting lost ALOT and from the comments alot of other people are to   <3

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people, where can I find Miriam? 

So I completed mission with ghost ship they have 3 people but mission still not completed how I can complete

(3 edits)

Love the game so far! I was wondering how to take off violet? I got the scene where Nel goes to talk with her and now it says to just let her win but i can't take her off and fight her.

Keep struggling to remove her until you lose all your HP.

Hey Deimus! Cool game I really like it. But I met a very annoying bug. Demoness debuff is not removed. Are there ways to fix this? thanks again for your efforts

Some debuffs can only be removed by eating certain cookies at the bakery.

The main problem is that I can only navigate the world with the help of a mirror. I thought it had to do with the debuff

If it is a bug, I'll need your save to investigate it. Send a message to and I will reply to you on how to send your file. However, my email may end up in your spam folder.

Anyone know how to progress through the hot springs quest arc? The lady keeps coming up with excuses, and the glacial caves are sealed off. I've gone back to use the dwarf's machine a number of times, so i'm assuming that's a prequisite, but i just cant seem to make any progress in the snowy area.

people, is there a guide somewhere or just a guide to the game? so that you can see exactly how to download relationships, where to get the necessary materials, and in case of a dead end, what to do according to the plot? And also recipes, what can be combined in alchemy?

if you need relationship advice, get the crystal ball (cant remember where i got it), and go to the fortune teller. She gives you advice on where to find treasure as well as relationship advice. There's also the merchant at the ruins who sells relationship boosts too. (the ruins where you find Liam)

Thank you
(1 edit)
I really need help folks... I'm stuck on the ghost ship plot. I recaptured the elf from the captain of the ghost and now absolutely nothing happens: I don’t know where to find a stick for the fisherman’s chair, I don’t know how to further develop relations with the demon and the ghost, as well as with the elf, and at the same time nothing helps in promotion (neither the bartender, no guild)

take Galiene back to the ghost ship and let her get possessed again. As for the fisherman, use the tablet you got from mordred (the guy who let you fuse items). For the Demoness, i think you gotta let her play with you, as for the ghost, let her use your body. Of all the characters in this game, the ghost (Nel) is the real MVP. She can powerlevel you AND Evie. After a while, you can tell her where to go when she power levels you.

Thank you

Hi, i love the game, but i reached max lvl with Nel, and i don't know how to improve possession skill, i can only possess the puppet (she is lvl maxed) and i can't possess anyone else or even entering others places than my house or the puppet's house while in spirit form, can someone help me ?

Raise your affinity with Nel as max as possible. Consult the fortune-teller for this.
There may still be events you haven't seen. Check the quests page.


Thanks a lot ! Your work is awesome !

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Hello, i need help with this. How do i get celica‘s body after glace controls it.

You can either win her in battle while possessing the doll or ask for help from Nel at your house while Glace is away.

thank you!

I have only one question... what needs to be done to develop a relationship with Selen?

Talk to the fortune-teller and ask for help. Sometimes you may need to progress through the main story to see some events.

and where can I get the ball needed by the fortune teller?

It is an item found by a trade quest.
You will get a stone slab from a magician.
You will need to give that to a fisherman so he will give you a fish.
You will give the fish to a cat found at the central plaza - you will get a shoe.
You will give the shoe to a toymaker, and he will give you a crystal ball for the fortune-teller.

Thank you
(1 edit) (+1)

Are there spoilers for all missions?

Deleted 1 year ago

Check some ruins

the golem monster seems to be bugged when it comes to damage? its earth type but wind magic isnt super effective agints it.

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i just use Galiene. She was doing more damage then Celica was. Celica was max level, and Galiene was like lv 72 or something. Celica was doing like 650 dmg with Light or Wind. But Galiene was doing like 700 damage at like 72 or 73. By the time i got all the chests, Galiene was probably 76 or 77, and she was doing 1200 dmg, while celica was still doing 650 or so. Meanwhile, Evie, who was max level, was doing less damage then Celica. I think those Golems had magic resistance.


Hello, How do I get into the ice grotto?

Progress through the main story until another fire golem appears at the Lion's Temple.

please tell me who exactly I need to go through the plot with, please

You are missing a lot of events regarding the characters. Talk to the fortune-teller to get hints on that.  
There is a port near the Asayiah palace. You need to equip the spirit stone there after midnight and talk to the ghost that appears there.

I've encountered a bug where a sex animation starts gaining speed after every turn, until it's going fast enough that my game crashes. It might have something to do with the slime suit, since enemies can't remove clothes.

Can you post the debug message here?

I can't recreate the crash, and i forgot to take a screenshot when it happened. But the animations still speed up, odd.

I didn't really like the events related to Glace, I like being in control more, but I don't mind giving in sometimes like early to Nel and Master, but Glace makes me uncomfortable, I wish she had a relationship with Celica, Similar to Nel's. Will she be nicer to Celica or will she remain a pain in the ass? 

Also, I have an undiscovered character, I would like to know how to find him, he is between Glace and Elith.

If you defeat Glace, you can wear her armor. Talk to the maid at the mansion once you wear her.

Man this game is really so fun. Thanks for all the helpful replies all,  and than you Deimus in particular - it is so great to see such an active developer interacting with the community so regularly and promptly to aid us. I've learned a lot just reading some of these comments from the past few days already.

BTW the music in the coconut palm tree beach battle area slaps hard!

Another question for you all: is it better to try to keep lewdness low or get it up higher sooner?

On my first save (I stopped around low lvl 20's) Celica's lewdness had already gotten to 50+, on my second playthrough (now lvl 27) I've managed to keep her lewdness at only 16 so far.

It is such a fun combination of mechanics to me. While trying to level skills from accessories you get more skill exp if you allow monsters to have their way with our heroine... but if you let it go too far it becomes harder for her to resist (willpower lowers as lust rises) and then if she climaxes you gain a permanent point of lewdness!  And with higher levels of lewdness her lust doesn't come down as much each turn/as time passes. So since lust doesn't come back down as fast,  it makes resisting enemies in battle more difficult [or are they really enemies? :P ;) ].

So if you want the lewdness/don't mind it and want to power level accessory skills faster, it is fine to let her do that, but if you're trying to not build her lewdness then it is a disaster! It is brilliant stuff! 

So this is why I was wondering if it is better to keep her lewdness points down, as maybe there will be boss fights/monster fights later on where being able to manage her lust level will be more important

So as her lewdness increases, I'm assuming more spicy encounters with the other characters or monsters can happen? For example, Celica just got given the dildo from Nel a short while ago, but when I try to get Celica to use it, she refuses, even in her own home (at lewdness 14 or 16 or so). 

Do you guys and girls like to play more lewdly or in a more chaste way?

Especially early on, I'm guessing late game everyone will be maxing it just to find all the content probably?

I guess i didnt know how lewdness affected battles. I did notice that lust was rising a bit more then usual, but i guess that's because my lewdness has gotten to 44. I'm lv 80 atm, which is apparantly level cap. Despite that, the Golems near the dwarves seem to take too long to take down. I cant seem to find any spells that work well on them. So far the light spell is the only one that doesnt have a disadvantage on them. Every other spell is a disadvantage. I ended up having Nel autobattle it, because she seems to do more damage with Celica's spells then if Celica went alone. But i'd imagine it'd be better to keep lewdness low. Not that it matters, as you can just turn off monster sex, and lust wont be a problem. That and you can make sedatives EASILY to lower your lust level.


Ok, so i managed to clear the ghost ship arc.. sorta. But now Galiene is controlled by the ghost and she's charging me money to recruit her to my party. So how do i get rid of the ghost? I refuse to pay her money. I may be rolling in dough, but i refuse to pay.

Winning battles with her at the party is a way to raise her affinity. Or L's shop if it sells the proper affinity item.


How can i get dark magic?

Win against a demoness.


what do i feed the cat and how do i get it??


give it a fish, which you find from the docks on the beach. There's a fisherman on the docks. If you give the fisherman the tablet you got from mordred, he'll use it as a chair leg.


I have 3 questions:

1: Where do i get the recipe for the Greatest Alchemite?

2: What item do i need to get into the Dwarven Town, and where to get it?

3: How do i clear the Ghost Ship? Galiene, got captured, and i rescued her from the Ghost Ship, but the Barkeeper hint keeps telling me how to get onto the Ghost Ship, so i'm guessing there's more to the Ghost Ship stage that i cant figure out.

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1.  There's no recipe for Alchemite lll. It can only obtained from chests.

2. You'll get a dwarf king's crest from someone (I forgot)

3. Let capt.Ceres have Galiene and rescue after few days.

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Can i wear glace?


Yes. If you defeat her.


Hello Deimus! I absolutely adore this game, it's most definitely my favorite adult game I've ever played, so I've been thinking of supporting you. I'm not sure if this has been asked before but if I buy your Patreon do I only get the next release, or will I keep getting the new ones sooner than others even when my Patreon membership runs out? Thank you for your answer in advance, keep up the good work!


I have a request. When suggesting a place for Nel to take your body to grind for you, can we use an option to tell Nel not to mess with our equipped gear? I want to keep the treasure finder equipped, but Nel wont leave it alone. She keeps unequipping it when grinding.


Once all skills are mastered, she will use the treasure finder.


was wondering if abilities like potion time and potion time plus stack? i know abilities like cooldown +5 and cooldown +10 stack so was wondering if abilities that dont jsut give flat stats do also.


Yes, they stack. Also, using either of them makes sure the effect doesn't end until the battle ends.


Suggestion: Can we get a SFW option that locks ALL NSFW cut-scenes until we turn it back on? Or at the very least, turn off the random Nel scenes after sleeping. I like to level up or farm materials during the day when family are up and about, so its risky when Nel does her thing each time Celica wakes up.

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WOAH! I didnt know we can have 3 people in your party... Learn something new every day. I thought the limit was just Celica and 1 other person. Apparantly i have Galiene and Evie together right now. I'm unstoppable now.

Edit: Ba, i was out of energy by the time i arrived at the dwarven waterfall. So they both left the party immediately.


Always have some energy potions so you can grind forever.


i'm stuck with the ghost ship quest. I got on the ghost ship, rescued whats-her-face from the possessed ghost, came back and fought the ghost again (won), and the next night she was there again. I went back with whats-her-face again to talk to the ghost, and the ghost just said the same thing over and over again about wanting to possess her again. But i cant figure out what to do to progress the story. I guess i could always challenge her again and 'give up' again, but i dont know if that'll do any good. I went to the Tavern, and the only hint he gave me what how to get on the ship. That wasnt very helpful whatsoever, i already got on there. The only other place i can go is the dwarven waterfall. So i guess i'll go there for now.


Take Galiene to the ship battle.

I have been wondering something similar but my main question is if there is a 2nd option to dealing with the ghost ship besides of the "give up" option during the fight. personally I don't like the idea of giving our elven friend to a ghost it was bad enough we couldn't choice the outcome with Nel to let her or keep her hands off us but that mostly effects the MC. story wise i understand with Nel but yeah i am really wondering if there is another option with the ghost ship or if one could be added in future updates

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