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dream event on a pirate ship. After Clara takes Celica's body for the third time, Celica is unable to get the body back. Apparently this is a bug.. ver 0.70.005

You'd better join the discord discussion and report bugs there. Because you can add a save file there. It's difficult without this file.

To do this, write a message on the contact page on the game website.

Can someone tell me how can I free the monster's captives from the mashroom world 

The monster keep running off 

The girl in the red swimsuit is preparing good potions... One of them will be useful.

You have great inner power. Use it.

Somebody help me please why I can't unlock Palm tree spot?

This is the very beginning of the game: you need to defeat the available monsters several times, usually at least 3 times for each type, and also use the items that are available. Well, read hints from NPCs. At least sometimes.


Does it matter if I refuse to turn back into human when Demoness asks me to?



Will her relationship improve? She's kinda my fav character. I assumed she was going to use this to her advantage or something.

How do i show celestian to Valvieta?

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First, free the monster's captives from the mushroom world. Without Velvetia on Celica's head.

Let her take you out adventuring.

Any Easter eggs on ver 0.70?

I have a problem with the latest version that when going to sleep the character remains invisible after getting up and I can't do anything.

It all depends on the version. If you did not receive the game from this site, please leave all questions on the site where you received the game.

this game getting an update is christmass <3

i really wanna play the new content but i dont really wanna do the whole game again. is there a way to progress directly to the new content?

(i dont have my old savefile anymore

There are no fairy tale methods.

Therefore, either look for a save, or study the essence of the game well in the library and try to beat it as quickly as possible.

For example, leveling up with the help of Nel and a large number of artifacts. For more information about this, see the Agranor library.

cant you import savefiles?

Save files are located in these folders:

Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\\files\saves

where do I get food for the cat?

Help the fisherman and do something nasty to Morden at the same time.

I don't know how to get to the beach area tho

(2 edits)

Raise Celica's level (with the help of slimes and insects in the forest), read NPC dialogues, as well as books in the library.


where do i use time stop for the monster in the demon world


I have no clue how to get the last Violet scene, it says she'll call me when I roam alone, but I couldn't get anything to happen? 

I got it to happen, I was wearing violet as panties. It might be  that, or having talismans on the shrine mightve messed with it.


huge missed opportunity to not include Celica x Liam scene

how can i get a new hairstyle in the update 0.69.010


Have nel maximum influence on celica

I got a bug where whenever I use Celestian form I get a possessed symbol instead. This also causes story events that revolve around Celestian form to crash the game.

The bedroom, shower, meditation, etc. locations do not appear in hot springs. It is impossible to get the form of a Celestian. Therefore, it is impossible to defeat enemies with a time stop


В 0.70.001 был ряд подобных ошибок, исправлены в последующих сборках. Бета-версия есть бета-версия.

Getting a bug on the latest version, every time I wake up after being sent to bed by the mistress, Celicia's body is missing and there is no options where leave and call would usually be. I teleported using the magic mirror and Celicia was still missing

(I think) I advanced Violet's quest too far and the demoness' quest not far enough, which (I think) caused this. I managed to circumvent it by wearing the succubus ring

If you mean version 0.70.001, then it had similar problems, they are expected to be fixed in the next builds of the game.

А когда обновят перевод Патреон-версии?

(3 edits)

Когда будет готов.
Как отвечено ниже, патреоновская версия является по-сути бета-версией, поэтому отсутствие локализации, ошибки являются обычным делом на этом этапе.

Стабильная версия игры (0.69.010) доступна на этой странице.

New hairstyle in version 0.69.010 ?  Who or where do i find the change ?

Как скачать новую версию с патрион если в россии заблокировано версию 0.70 или откуда можно

На этой странице для всех доступна, на данный момент, версия 0.69.010.
Бесплатно, более стабильный код, с локализацией, без замедлителей и прочей гадости, которую нередко добавляют в бесплатные версии.

Поэтому возможность играть авторы предоставляют всем.

Ну а доступ к платной бета-версии игры на патреоне - это уже другое дело. Авторы, к сожалению, не могут предусмотреть всех блокировок.

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goblins, trolls, ogres, Centaur, minotaur, cyclops, werewolf, tree man, chimera to the game interesting details that I would find to have in the game and also that some creatures could impregnate her, such as Anubis, the spiders, wasp. Among other creatures 👍🏽

Despite the fairytale plot, the monster pregnancy fetish is absent from this game and is unlikely to appear soon.

There are plenty of illogical things like this in other games.

Stuck at the place where I should "stop time" and defeat the fungal thing, but all my spells and items have no such ability

Stop time is the celestian ability once you go into celestian form hit it again and it will stop time

how do i talk with cozzy? i’m stuck there, i alredy turn invisible and enter in the cursed citadel but nothing happens.

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Let Celica do something stupid and make it clear to those around her that she wants special attention (names of potions).

Im confused because ive completed every event except for the pirate and i dont know how to progress them

A fortuneteller helped me with the pirates. Especially with the average character "?".

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is there a way to cheat in the game? I'm only looking for a way to change the amount of skill point(sp). 

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How to improve this parameter without cheat codes is indicated in the Agranor library.

I already know how to do it legit I've finished the game I just wanted to have some fun and know what it feels like to have all passives on

Enemies and locations are understandable. But what does it mean: new game mechanics

Thanks for the update, I still have the question of whether the DEV version of the patreon is already the final one o/


All Patreon versions (including the DEV version) are always updated to the latest version with each update.
Right now, the latest is v0.70.001.

THE TIME MACHINE.  The dwarf's time machine, and seeing Glace's backstory is what triggers the second fire golem to appear.   It took me a week to figure this out, and the various hints were not very helpful, but now I know.

Hoping for an update soon <3! I can only replay it so many times

“They say that having a crewmate with a sword is the key to opening a pirate ' s treasure cave .”

How to do this task?

With Galien, approach the treasure cave


Sorry, I don’t understand what to do with Galien and Pirate. I already lost on purpose and nothing happens. The pirate just takes her and that’s it.

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At this stage of the game, you can consult a fortuneteller. Ask her questions about relationships.

The Fortune Teller has hints for all key characters and hidden quests.

Sorry to bring this up again, but how do you bump into Glace for the second time?  I followed the steps in the wiki, but the second golem in the Lion Temple is not showing up.  Is there something specific I need to do?  I'm completing more of the other quests too, but I don't know what the specific trigger is.

Usually, getting stuck in the passage of the game is associated with a violation of the main idea of the game: Celica must become an experienced magician, alchemist, and also have good friendly relations with many characters.

The main mechanics to master are listed in the library. There are also tips there.

For example, if Celica does everything right, then both visits to the lion temple are separated by just a night of sleep.

Also pay attention to the character levels that Celica uses in lessons with Nel (the levels should be green). In general, Celica's Experience should constantly grow.

Okay.  I’m currently at level 85, with alchemy at about 55.  Nel is at 10.9.  Puppet is at 15 and Faylen at 10.  Ceres, and Evie are at max level too.  I just fought the wyvern.  Is there anything else I’m missing?  I haven’t leveled up the demoness relationship yet and Violet is only at 5, I think.  Sorry, the wiki doesn’t say what specifically triggers the second fire golem and it’s driving me nuts.

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You're not taking Celica's skills into account again. I highly recommend that you go to the Agranor library and read all the books. This will help you understand the essence of the game and not pay attention to unnecessary coefficients.
And advance in the game without any problems.

One of the tips in the library is to ask a fortune teller for help. In your case, it might be helpful to ask her about all the characters, especially Glace.

I read all the books in the library like you said.  I talked to the fortune teller but it did not give me the option to ask about Glace.  Do I need to complete a different quest?

I progressed further yea, the main story takes you back to the firey caves and triggers the flag to get the second orb

Why can only store 500 coins in my wallet?

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I am already at level 63.

You need a special gemstone and fuse it with your wallet. I think the location is mentioned in the wiki

Deleted 64 days ago


Do you need help editing your Wiki? I see it was last edited last year and some of the content is missing. Only if the site supports another language

There are some problems with this section of the site. Therefore, the speed of its development is low.

As for languages, information should first appear in English, and then, possibly, in other languages.

All the necessary information is now present in the game itself, in the form of mini-books or virtual assistants.

So if the progress report reaches 100 then you will release the new version right?



I'm impressed that this uses renpy of all things, considering mist use it for just story and not a whole darn rpg

Also quick question

Anyone know about they grey squares in the title screen of the game?

Upon opening the game to the title screen, theres a bunch of gray squares in the bottom left representing what I assume are the enemies we encounter. Why do they exist?

I've completed about 90% of the game and have still zero ideas on how to ungrey these squares. One of the books mentions making relations to some enemies/monsters (not sure if this is just talking about the special monsters like nel or violet) so maybe its related to the gray squares?

Also yes, I used both spellings of græy. Chaotic, isn't it?

This represents a monster in a version of the game. The next version will have a new square with a new enemy


How do I get another guardian to appear at the Lion Temple for a second inferno orb?  I'm at the point where I have the Celestian form but I was saving the ghost pirate quest for later.  Which story quests do I need to do for another guardian to appear?


Try completing Glace

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Sorry, what do you mean complete Glace?  I’m trying to arrange the second meeting.  The wiki says I have to get a second inferno orb in order to find and fight her again.  Is there something I’m missing?  Do I find her in the same temple?  I’ve mostly completed the pirate ghost story now, except it won’t let me finish the quest.  I have no idea if I’m missing something or if I’ve found a bug.

i think the monster should be able to have fun with your companion but its a fun game


Initially, it was a joke on the topic “Celica, why do monsters react to you so strangely? They just want to have a not-so-romantic date with you.”

Whether motivation and implementation of this will be added for other characters is still unknown.

i stuck. Glace took my body for the 2nd time and I can not get it back.
When I try to get as a ghost my body back it says I should try with Candy. When I posses Candy there is nothing I can do. In my home there is the option to fight her, but nothing happens. She is at level 15


Try going home during the day as a spirit and calling Nel.

This works for the first time. I have no possibility to call Nel, not as ghost or at Candy or Faylen

How did you meet Glace a second time?  The wiki says to fight the fire golem again but it doesn’t say how to make a second golem appear.  Do I need to advance Faylen’s relationship?

Sry I don't know. I just went there and could fight the 2nd golem.

I tried it again not and this time my body was not at home, but on the gate and there I could fight and get my body back. Then is was a BUG 
The main part I did was the ghost ship quest. Maybe there is a connection.

Hello, I seem to have found a BUG.

When I have a spell charm, and let NEL fight on my behalf.

In this case, if there are more than two monsters, and the monsters use grabs on me.

Then I will use the spell charm repeatedly until the lust is filled.

Is this a BUG?

I triggered this situation in "emerline falls"

I don't know English, so I use machine translation here, I hope I can make it clear.

Set Allure to 0 to stop her from doing this.

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