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(1 edit) (-5)

its actually a good game but if you play this be prepared to lose your progress several times because of bad rng and unlucky moments :) unless you think about saving every couple of minuets by yourself..... dumb shit but good game, but i will never get the hours back where i had to play the same things again because of bad rng shit, now going to play for the next 2 hours what i did the last 2 hourse ;)


For most players, the game does not cause problems, since it has:

1) a library where mechanics are briefly described and advice is given;

2) hints from NPCs;

3) autosaves, which are created at the beginning of each game day.

So try to get to know the game a little better and it won't disappoint you. The main thing is to help Celica become a good magician, and not just walk around locations :-P


Can you link the game you made? I'd really like to give it a try!

where can i find something to help the fisherman , to fix his chair ?


the stone slab


The light crystal required to fuse to the lantern isn't showing up, is there a way to fix that? Also the tavern guy is bugged and i can no longer talk to him.


After fusing the lantern and the crystal, a new object is obtained, a glowing lantern, the original objects disappear, the owner of the laboratory spoke about this.

The bartender usually does not give new rumors if it is impossible to give you a task under your conditions. This happens extremely rarely.

Therefore, look in your inventory for a new item and go visit your gray friends.

Selena's relationship is stuck at 3.9 the fortune teller doesnt say anything (literally nothing) what do i need to do ? 

Most likely, you are trying to progress through the game by talking to one or two characters. Go to the library, read these tiny books there, with a brief description of the mechanics and excellent tips from the author of the game. And it will become much easier for you to progress through the game.

Is there a gallery mode?

Yes, it will become available after Celica tries to help one friend and she finds herself in a new world.


Thank you!!!

It's a great game I support it:)

I have a problem. I'm trying to upgrade the arcane ring in the fuse machine, but when the game asks me to pick an item, I cannot for the life of me find the ring anywhere in the selection. I know I have it in my inventory because I have it equipped.

Try this:

1) make sure that Celica does not carry it on herself, that is, that it is only in the main inventory, and not in the one with 3 cells;

2) come into the lab the next day and try again.

In addition, some items have a limit on upgrades. The options available to you are displayed in Agranor's library, in the magic book of fusions.

Deleted 345 days ago

What does Lewdness actually do in the game. It just seems to be a value that is increases with no mechanical difference.

(1 edit)

This mechanic is under development. Nowadays, this parameter can be changed through some actions and potions, but it is mainly noticeable as Celica's body's reaction to monsters trying to gain access to it. Pay attention to her arms, legs and face.

please make this a browser accessible  game

(1 edit)

This might be something to think about when the web version for Ren'Py becomes more stable.

At the moment, experimenting with the web version may greatly slow down the game's development for major platforms.

Some information from the creators of the engine:

can't play through download

The link shows how to install Linux to run games.

Because Chromebooks are not a full-fledged gaming platform.

I did what it instructed me to and didn't wor

At what step?

i cant remove violet outfit 3.9 i have the charm spell like in the walktrough so i dont know what to do...

Depending on your position in the plot, the following options may be useful:

1. Try to remove it 3-4 times through Violet’s action menu (you need a full health scale).

2. Fight with Domenea and lose to her.

3. Fight with Glace and lose to her.

4. Ask her to become an element of underwear.

Im level 33 and level 5 relationship with violet, but haven't unlocked the tailor yet. I read on the wiki you unlock it early in the game by meeting the tailor in the town square, but ive gone back and forth to there dozens of times throught the day but nothing happens. Is there a specific time i have to go there or am i still early in the game somehow?

(2 edits)

Use skills, artifacts, and alchemy more actively when communicating with monsters. Celica must develop as a magician, specialist and person, otherwise game progress will slow down at such moments.

All the basic mechanics are described in small books in Arganor's library.

The tailor usually appears in the square during the day.

Would letting Nel grind for me help with that.

(1 edit)

Nel helps a lot with this. It is only important that Celica builds friendly relations with everyone. Then Nel, in automatic mode, will help with both the skills and experience levels of friends.

The only thing she may not be able to help with is finding some rare artifacts, as she doesn't always use the treasure finder.

My friendship with Edgar is stuck at 2, Is this the highest i can get on this version, Or am i missing something out?

The number of all important story quests is displayed on the screen, which is called up by the Quests button in the upper right corner of the game window.

If you see an empty vertical indicator next to the character's name, then there is a high probability that you can fill it by completing the main or repeating quest.

Apparently it does go higher than 2.0, The bar can be filled up to 3.9, But i really don't know what to do here, I get to the point where i can go to his office and talk about the Demon King, And that's all, I also have reached the maximum on the main quest, I got a message that told me this is the farest i can go, So I'm not sure if there's anything i missed here. 

(2 edits)

To progress through the game's story, the main thing is to complete all the quests from the list on this screen. You don't have to worry about the indicators next to the character names.

When all the quests are completed and you have free time. you can try to complete recurring character quests (invite them to fight monsters, talk to them, or just fight with them). This will improve some of your character interaction skills.

It's a pity, but there are no such quests for Edgar yet. You can't even treat him to beer. This is the main drawback of the game right now.

Olá Deimus eu quero saber se você consegue disponibilizar um meio alternativo para efetuar o pagamento e se tornar um patreon ( por exemplo Pagamento. PIX, Boleto, ou transferência bancária direto)

(1 edit)

Olá. Mostrei sua pergunta ao autor do jogo e ele informou que, no momento, só é possível usar serviços universais: Patreon e Subscribestar. Os usuários de alguns países têm problemas com eles, mas são os únicos que podem ser usados no momento. Os métodos que você mencionou não podem ser usados no momento. Alternativa ao Patreon:

Talvez esse serviço seja mais conveniente para você.

Hi..I found 0.68 version in another website is it trustable to download it on the current version? I have the 0.67 one and i completed it

(4 edits)

To be honest, the problem usually lies in the fact that the older version officially published here has the most stable code and a complete localization version for the languages listed on this site in the description of the game.

And in the version that is published on third-party sites, there are usually many starting errors and there is no localization for new scenes.

Therefore, using an unofficial copy, the player experiences problems with localization and stability of the game.

On some sites, so-called mods can be added to the game. Their functionality depends entirely on the honesty of their authors, but they may well ruin the save of the game.

Therefore, if it is possible to support the author with a minimum amount on Patreon, it is better to do this and have access to the latest version of the game.

If money is tight, then it’s better to wait and get the stable version of the game here.

thank u but the website is kimochi game so do u think it is safe to download the update? 

In fact, this site is in many ways reminiscent of the pawn shop from the game, especially if you remember the words of the owner of this pawn shop ;-)

It’s nice that the administration recommends supporting the author of the game, indicating the official website, but they have the most unstable build of the game (the very first one). Therefore, there is some risk of breaking the save during the game. I'm too lazy to check for Trojans and viruses :-)

So if i saved the progress on the original one more than few time and installed the update will be there a problem. I know about the risks that why i asked u guys

Here I can only recommend:

1. Check the game with a good antivirus, or better yet several, because it is unknown where and how a copy of the game got to such a site.

2. Make saves periodically. Because there is a possibility that some plot mechanisms may break and in the next version you will have to return to an earlier save.

In general, my personal attitude towards “illegal” copies of games is that more checks should be used with them.

Since some sites may simply provide a copy of the game, while others may embed something into it for personal enrichment.

Deleted 350 days ago

The guy who has the laboratory will help you with this.

what is that latex like outfit? the one in the pictures on this page.

There is more than one latex suit in the game.

do i just progress the story?

Yes. And try to be friends with everyone.

I got two secret events left, One for Selena and Elith. I'd assume both events are connected.

And I have no idea how to trigger the event. Also the FortuneTeller goes blank when I ask about Selena for some reason.

(1 edit)

Try to talk and fight with Elith (lose, win). One of these steps should help.

Alright, winning against Elith seems to have done the trick. Thanks.

What about selena one i only left that one how u do it?

Usually it is enough to talk to her at her home. You may also need to visit the dream world, where with a 50% chance a quest with her may open.

I saw two dark skills on TOM wiki, But i can't find any in the game, does anyone know where to find them?

If I understand you correctly, then to get what you want, you need to defeat the Mistress and the Octopus (Cyclopus) Man.

I finally managed to defeat Mistress, But who is the Cyclopuse?

These are the guys who appeared in the swamp, next to the entrance to the elf enclave. They have a leader who sometimes resembles a human.

I'm playing the free version of the game and I can get past 6.9 with Nel

Do I have to release any characters first?

I focused on her a lot


At the moment, it is impossible to focus on one character. I wouldn't mind ignoring characters I'm not interested in either.

To advance further, you need to complete story quests, increase your skill level, and improve your relationships with key characters (it is enough to complete their quests, and also take some of them with you in battles with monsters).

The list of key characters is available through the "Quests" button; it indicates how many quests have already been completed.

The following will help you figure out what to do next: icons on the world map, the bartender (his rumors), a fortune teller (usually she helps with character quests).


is this the most up to date version? when is the next update likely to be?

(1 edit) (+1)

This is the most recent publicly available version, currently numbered 0.67.010.

Judging by the pace of development (as a theory, this is not official information from the author), the next version is expected closer to May. Since progress is approximately 1% per day and now the completion of the new version is 53%.

so update in two weeks?

Might have hit a bug. 
Got the sleeping potion for Bert. However I'm unable to get beer from the tavern. There is no option to get it. I had the option earlier when playing and have the option to give Bert things. But no way to get the beer and it's not in my inventory.

Am I just missing something or bug?

Either you have an empty beer mug in your inventory, or there is a bug. If there are no mugs in your inventory, then send the save to the author of the game.

If I wanted to switch from the Itchio version to the current Patreon version. Can I transfer my save?


(1 edit)

But before switching, on an older version, save the game at the moment when Celica just woke up.

Otherwise, you may need to use autosave.

Deleted 190 days ago

At this point, Celica glued it to herself with superglue. Since she can't afford to go without clothes, at least not yet...

Why i still have only 89 quest expect 95?? It is even 0.67version 

Maybe Jack stole some of the quests and sold them to a pawn shop?

wtf i don't get it some people got 95 and in the same version 

(4 edits)

In version 0.67 there are 89 and 92 quests, and in 0.68 there are 95 and 99, respectively.

Version 0.68 is now available to those who support the project on Patreon.

Ok thank for the info

Is there some sort of guide for materials? I need a bunch for the armors but dont know where some of them are

The fortune teller will tell you where the ones not locked behind story progression are and the treasure finder will help you gather them.

There is a preliminary version of the guide, here.

If the game updates the story now, will I have to play again from the beginning?


No. Saves work between versions.

Important condition: before updating the game, make a save at the moment when Celica wakes up in the morning. After this, you can update the game and the save will work in the new version.

I have completed the game one hundred and 100%

You can celebrate with a walk through the central plaza of Agranor. :-)

I have apparently found a bug. When I explore the Dirn Kibhar Mine with the mithril treasure finder enabled, I never get greater alchemite or plumberries. I only get tons of blissful herbs and the greatest alchemite, which still drops when the meter gets full.

Frequency appears to drop back to normal when I unequip the treasure finder.

It may affect other locations, too, but I've only noticed it here so far.

This artifact increases the likelihood of obtaining more expensive loot. Therefore, if there are no rare artifacts left in this location, then he will mine what is available in unlimited quantities.

To get the berry, you don't need a treasure finder at all.

Yes, I am aware of what happens when there are no more special items. The problem is that a couple of the remaining "infinite" items never appear at all when the finder is enabled, especially the greater alchemite, the most valuable of them (I don't care about the plumberries, they're available everywhere).

This is not the expected or desired behavior. Using the finder should at the very least not keep you from getting something.

I can't play the game is stuck on the start up screen

What operating system are you playing the game? Windows? Android?

Android, When will the game be updated?

There are no exact dates. The percentage of completion of the next version can be viewed here:

This happens if you installed the game on an external memory card in Android 11-14. If you are using these systems, try installing the game into your device's internal memory. Current versions of Android have a problem with the file system. due to which the game cannot create save folders on an external memory card, which is why the situation arises when the game stops on the menu screen.


How to unlock the celestial form?


Only meditation and trusting friends can help for this.

Where i can find last mission for faylan bc the selena one are not available too and this how much i got in the game main quest already finished all of them.Merian is not om the map too 

What does the barkeeper say?

Faylen has a book that dispell demonic delusion. But nothing goes with faylen she is max and i already asked the crystal women . 

Take control of Faylen and visit the prison. Try stuff there.

Prizon? Where is that and for inf i only got 89 main quest not 95

(1 edit)

This is in a swamp, not far from where the Elves live. The location will become available after completing the quest.
To walk with the elf and complete her part of the quest, use spirit training.

How do I get the light magic?

Progress through the story and look through all the stores.

thank you very much


on the Itchio version you can only get 1 light spell that I could find, and you get it through story only when you meet a certain person. they give it to you for free. I'm not saying who they are for spoiler sake.


and don't ask me about the Patreon version. I haven't played it, but I know they have a more updated version.

(2 edits)

I noticed a bit of a visual bug in the current public release, it looks like the arch in the dark world is overlapped onto itself.

Something that might've been an interesting easter egg is if the arches were in the same relative position if you put the maps on top of each other.

Also, in the future, it would be nice to have the game upscale in a way that doesn't make the pixel art look fuzzy (I forget the term.)

Is there a way to get more Enchanted thread? I made the first set of the Witch outfit, but not I'm missing 2 for the second set of the witch outfit.


1 of them you get from the mystery box, If you don't have any treasure left for any of the areas, maybe try to see if both of them are in mystery boxes.

you actually get the last 2 in the fairy forest before meeting the 3 fairies.

everybody! I lost my save, is there any way to get it back?

More details would probably help, what exactly happened?

no need anymore

Links to storage locations for game saves are provided on this page.

If you deleted them in the main game folder, they may be in these locations.

But not a fact. Once a save is replaced or deleted, it usually cannot be brought back.

(4 edits)

After completing the current public version, I started assembling a large map of the game's world, and I noticed that the dark world's trees align perfectly with the fairy tree area, as does the shape of the mountain, and the mountain of the northeastern section also aligns fairly well.

I just thought that was interesting, I honestly did not expect it to align to anything.

Considering that the author of the game really loves riddles, a lot is possible in this game.


man i haven't played this game for a long time ,i wonder if my save from the 2022 still alive

i don't mind having the save lost due to the bug with the dark slime where i cant even progress because i spend all the important material to progress


As stated earlier, here it is better to start the game again, because some things have become easier, some have shifted relative to the beginning of the game.

(1 edit) (+1)

If you have not played since 2022, then it is better to start the game again, since during this time the gameplay has changed a little, and some of the quests have moved from the end closer to the beginning.

In addition, many new quests and locations have been added.

How do I get violet off of me?

(1 edit)

It depends on the plot.

1. Try to remove it 3-4 times in a row

2. Visit a ghost in very reliable armor

3. Go to a pet lover and be rude to her.

In general, NPCs sometimes skillfully remove it from Celica.

Why i cant find or help meriam for selena event her bar sucked at 2.9 and she says every time " find what happened to me "


Move further along the story. Good relationships with other characters are required.

well that's the problem i finished literally every main quest and there is only selena one left at 2.9

If the player systematically progresses through the game, then these numbers mean nothing.

Go to the library and read the description of game mechanics there, especially about increasing levels for skills, relationships with characters, alchemy. The books are small, but the information from them allows you to progress through the game faster.

  Without this knowledge, it is easy to make progress difficult, since the game expects Celica to learn and increase the levels of her skills, because this is necessary for the plot.

If the player ignores this, there may be problems, as some story quests require a certain amount of experience.

Well im a serious ass player that finish every game i play even side quests so i read most of the library tho but this one is unfinishable main quest is 89/89 and side quest is 85/92

Judging by this report, you need to find out about the relationship with the elf from the fortuneteller, and also explore the northeastern part of Agranor well and talk a little with Bert.

The tall girl and her friend clearly did not receive your attention.

I need help so when i was doing Mistress quest where i should give sleeping potion to guards so i could stole that egg looking artifact well problem is that the that potion i got from mistress and bear disappeared from my inventory somehow while i was trying to fuse these two together and now im stuck i dont know what to do i cant start the quest again also so please help

I'll need to check your save for this. For now, send me a message at our site at a valid email address. I'll tell you how to send me your save. If you don't get an email reply, you might need to check your spam.

I sended message by valid email address I'll wait response 


Hi so i need to get 3 more Dark Orbs but i dont know where to find them ?

i already got 2 from Violet but need 3 more for the Succubus outfitt


You will get them once you complete  Selena's quests


k ty

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