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(1 edit)

I really hope you will rework the second mindflayer battle I spend like 30+ turns so far I am max level and yet I am almost dead and I haven't had a single turn where I wasn't trying to remove either the mind flayer or the cyclopus and I am getting really pissed of this internal fight where I don't get to even try to fight back

Great now I am as good as dead after the third time the cyclopus grabbed me... They keep grabbing me when I finally after like 10 turns manage to get one off

(1 edit)

Managed to drink a potion to just barely survive to finally get free and ofc the mind flayer grabs me before it's my turn for the third time in a row

And now 4th time with the cyclopus...

Mindflayer battle needs some preparations.

Equip the "free soul" to increase your chance of escaping when bound.

Drink anti sleep and anti confusion potion before the battle starts.

Have 2 or 3 health potions and 1 magic potion if needed.

Equip stuff that reduces cooldown to get the "light beam" attack faster cuz its most effective against "Dark type"

Focus on the cyclopus first and defeat it before moving on to Mindflayer.


Wait till u unlock the Onsen to get more powerful and defeat mindflayer easier.

hii, i unfortunately got access to the dessert town while i wasnt wearing violet, so she didnt ask to join the thieves etc. is there anyway i can still trigger her next events?


It's badly explained on the wiki it got nothing to do with when you just enter the city tbh it starts in the other city just keep checking with the oracle she will now and then tell you what to do next (though sometimes she tells you something not helpful or straight up wrong)

(1 edit) (+1)


I'm having an issue where I can't complete the demoness' quest for the egg because the game thinks I have the empty beer cup despite it not appearing in my inventory. I have checked the black market many times and its never appeared (I sold a trinket as a test and it appeared there the next night).

I'm fairly sure I didn't sell it, but I remember a) trying to give it to bert immediately after the first time you need to, and also b) maybe with mispressing on it in the fuse menu at some point.

I saw a similar issue here from a little while ago, and saw the response was just to restart. I'd prefer not to, are there any other options? ( I'm waaay past where this bug would have appeared, and save will be overwritten)



Yes, this is not a very common situation and only the author of the game can help here.

So send him the save, as he can find the reason, using the magic of the game creator, at the level of variable values and their combinations.

To do this, use the feedback form:

Thanks for the help :)


and when will version 69 be released approximately? Thank you in advance

There are no exact dates, but given the frequency of releases of previous versions and current progress, perhaps by mid-to-late April.

my capt. cerses is not lving up, i canr get it to lvl one, even when i give up

(2 edits)

For some quests you need to wait 2-3 in-game days.

But it’s better to take Celica to the fortuneteller and find out about improving relations with Captain Ceres and Galiene.

How do I access the swamp? On the Wiki it says that you just go to the spider cave and then go to the guild... But I've done this several times and so far it hasn't worked :/

The Wiki shows the basic conditions for starting the quest. Therefore, as has already been stated many times, if the quest does not start, you need to visit the bartender and the fortuneteller. Because, with a high degree of probability, another quest has not been completed.

If the Bartender and the Fortune Teller are silent and the quest does not start, you need to send a save file.

Send a saved file here? The bartender doesn't say anything anymore ;-;

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh okay, I didn't know it was allowed, that's good to know

Try battling and winning the spiders in the cave. If you are still having trouble, send us a message on our contact page with a valid email so we can contact you.

I'm going to try to kill 20 more spiders and see if I can, because there are no more chests there, so I must have already killed a lot.

I leveled candy up to level 5 and then left her body cause it said I was max level now I find out about faylen and I'm not sure if I should meet her as candy myself or what? No matter what I don't see her even after having explored the forest few times as either of them

I even died from fighting slime all night as candy

First, check with the Bartender and the Fortune Teller for current quests.

Haven't found any that indicate on this I mean looking at the wiki I don't see anything in missing but it's hard to find out as who in supposed to explore as?

I been pushing every other relationship so far but now everything seem to be locked on missing faylen relationship but I haven't been able to find out how I'm supposed to trigger the event or if I do it as Celica or candy?

Post your save file somewhere and provide a link to it here.

Okay give me a hour or so to figure out how to do any of that. Meanwhile can i have an answer on who I'm supposed to have triggered the event as just so I can atleast see if I try again at some point I know atleast il doing the correct actions?

Got something called renpy sync zt1e4-pv49z

This service is not designed for that.

Hello, I would like to know the answer to two questions. Firstly: how do I get dark orb in the game to make a "succubus" costume, I can't find them in any way, maybe there is some kind of crafting for this?If possible, describe in more detail how you received them.

Secondly: how version 67 differs from 68, I tried to find information about the update, but it is not written anywhere. It will be nice to hear the answer, thanks in advance.

1. You can get these spheres by leaving the dream world. With a probability of approximately 50%, the scene will turn on, after which Celica receives this artifact (1 artifact at a time). In general, routine.

2. In version 0.68 the plot continues, new locations and minor characters are added. Celica explores demonology and body control in more detail. Updated crew of Captain Ceres (visually). The fortune teller gives even more hints, the tutorial has been updated. Added a couple of ways for greedy NPCs to take Celica’s body. In general, there are a lot of changes, but only if the player carefully plays through the game.

Is this game completed

Not yet. The completion of the plot is expected by version 1.0, now version 0.67 is publicly available.


So, I just made this account just so I can comment. So uhh...I really like this game. Although, I do have a complaint. For you see, I have lost most of MP every time I become a ghost. This is vital for my relationship with Glace.  So you are forced to move around until you reach five MP. Not much of a big deal but why even bother with MP? It would make more sense if you only need one mp. Or none really since ghosts just...posses things. It's not likely you will see this comment but for the sake of trying to improve the games I love, I have to at least leave a comment here for the hopes people see this.

Also, I would love more Glace content. Like, how would Celica be like when she posses the puppet more often? Would her spirit look more like the puppet? 

Or even better, you  can sleep as the puppet. Or even the other elf. Forgot her name. That way, you can recover MP and health without just ejecting yourself out the body and just waiting for the MP to fill up again to possess someone. That is if your MP starts very low to begin with. Which is a very annoying thing to do.  I know that, and again, I am aware that you may not consider this but I, in good faith, cannot remain silent. 

ok so how do i unlock mc's celestian transformation, i've been at the springs for about 25 in game days at this point, please help am i missing something?


Don't forget about the fortune teller (checking relationships and treasures) and the bartender (important quests).

It is possible that you forgot to complete an important story quest or you forgot to pay attention to one of Celica's friends.

In my case, progress began after I allowed Celica to trust Nel during meditation. Before this, Celica tried unsuccessfully for at least 2 weeks, she even talked about it.

Celica had the maximum level and developed all the basic skills.

how do i bring nel to the spring

nvm we good i got her in

Can I get the game data to the new mobile phone when I change the mobile phone

Why can't I use the Ren 'Py Sync Server?

(1 edit) (+1)

This question should be asked to the author of the engine, because their servers are almost always overloaded and the probability of a successful exchange is close to zero.

Therefore, the only effective way is to copy the save files from the game folder on the first device, paste them into some Google. Drive, and then, after launching the game once on the second device (so that save folders appear), transfer save files.

The path on both devices is usually like this:

Android: Phone\Android\data\\files\saves


I'll never touch this shi* again,just lost my saved data with the furthest progress bec for some reason when I tried to save and overwrite an older data,instead of saving it it loaded it when I afterward clicked on load in the menu and tried to load the data where I spend hours of play time,instead of loading it it overwrite it and saved for some reason bullsh as* game I wont spend another 10 hours + to get to the point that I was before all that shi happened 


You can always load a quicksave that the game saves automatically.
Check the Q section of your loading screen,


thanks for replying and sorry I was just super piss,but I won't play it again I will delete it and thats it

Recently switched to a new phone and lost all my progress, is there any way to skip to certain parts of the game so I don't have to spend countless hours grinding again. 

For information about transferring save files, see here:

Deleted 207 days ago

If you mean stripping in the process... The game can already please you.

Deleted 207 days ago

how do i incress my allure so i can talk to morden at the plaza

Equip the allure pendant you get by returning the key to the witch at the library.

oml, thank you

please help. Im still short 2 secret event of nel

Have you completed all of the character events besides Nel?

Yes. All character event beside nel is full complete. Only nel 2 hidden event that i have not complete

Can you help me about nel 2 hidden event 

(2 edits)

Please help. Quest the secret of demon king immortality. Where should i start?

You can go to the ball. Edgar talks about this.

(Just in case: the game is available in three languages, including French  :-) ).

is there actually a way to get into the tower in void vale or will that not be available until a later update? 

The Cursed Citadel will be available in version 0.68.

alright thanks for the confirmation 👍 i tried everything i could think of to get in so i thought that might be the case


It's just that the graphical basis of the game requires a lot of time to draw and create animations, so each new version usually has locations that will become fully accessible in one of the next versions of the game.

Deleted 1 year ago

What does the barkeep say as a hint?

Deleted 1 year ago

Talk to Bert. Select the option to meet with the Captain and try all dialogue options.

Deleted 1 year ago

I'll need to investigate this issue if it is indeed some kind of bug.
Can you contact me by sending me a message at with a valid email?

is there an alternative way of unlocking the tailor I'm at the point of unlocking the desert and still haven't unlocked it apparently i misses a conversation with Galiene and now i don't have access to it or at least don't know how to gain access to it this is my first playthrough so id really rather not have to start over


Master at least 4 skills. The tailor will appear at the central plaza after that.

You mean max out 4 skills? like besides health and mana? >.>

No. I mean skills, not abilities. The skills you get on the skills page when you equip an accessory.

2 questions 1 how do i transfer saves from mobile to pc 2 how do i find the stone for ghost quest

1. Paths to saves (PC, Android) are indicated on this page:

2. NPCs suggest that lost items usually end up in pawn shops.

(1 edit)

thx sorry but the saves don't appear

How to display corruption in attributes

Visit the Agranor Library.

then what should I do after that?

Deleted 1 year ago

When using this game, to avoid problems, you need to follow simple rules:

1. Do not use modified versions of the game (they spoil the logic of the game and saving).

2. Be sure to read the books in the Agranor library.

3. In case of unclear moments, the Bartender, the Fortune Teller and the list of open quests will help you understand what to do next.

Although this is an 18+ game, for a comfortable game you need to study a little about the features of its game world.

Deleted 1 year ago

i can't get the second inferno globe, no matter what i do. i've tried talking to the king and the guards as suggested by some players

Go get some sleep and then go to the Temple of the Lion.

doens't work either.

are you assisting deimus?


The second orb may be related to other events in the main story. I would progress through the main story (like visiting the time machine).

the dwarf tells there is nothing more to do with the time machine for now.

can it be related to nel or captain ceres? it seemed and out of character to throw galiene under the bus by losing on purpose and to tell Nel Celica's body is also hers but i'll do both if it means proceeding with the main story


The second inferno globe is not story-related. It is character-related.

On nels wiki page it says (cont) in front of the stage 7 event what does this mean and what do I actually have to do to reach her 7th level

Tell Nel that you will continue to sleep and she can take the body.

The Soothsayer says that, in order to progress with Violet, I need to "take her off", but I cant find a way to do that? everytime i try to take her off she just 'convinces' Cel to stop trying....

Here a lot depends on the stage of the game. At one stage you can remove it in 3-4 attempts (you need to have enough health), at other stages this can be done with the help of other characters. For example, you can go visit and fight with a pet lover, or lend the body to a ghost in very reliable (no) armor (and then return it with the help of Nel).

I was really confused by this too.  After finding this comment & trying Violet -> Remove repeatedly, I finally noticed that the Armor bar in the top left takes damage, and it's when it drops to 0 that Violet is actually removed.  I hadn't noticed that before.  I had sometimes been able to get Violet removed via Nel's events or other methods, but nothing easily repeatable.  And maybe I'm way over-leveled (so Violet has more health being used as armor), but in my case it took a *lot* more than 3-4 attempts.

Ok, so I want to download the new update, how do I do this without messing up my save file, im on android

On Android, the procedure is usually this: move the save files to another folder, delete the game, install the game, launch the game for the first time, quit the game, copy the save to the save folder.

Because when you delete a game, the save folder will be automatically deleted: these are features of the Android system.

I enjoyed in this game but i have suggest: when enemies like slime or bee do Sexual attack to my character and I keep clicking "wait" they have love meter, if it get full the enemy will stop attacking and leave me alone or follow me to help me attack other enemies 

I'm at 100% whens the next update

The latest version is always the Patreon version. When a new version comes out, the existing Patreon version becomes free and is listed here. For the progress on the next release you can view it on our progress page:

What do i do now that candy is level 5 but i can't get into the elven enclave

Improve your levels to the maximum (this is when the level indicator turns green) and complete all story quests, otherwise you won’t be able to progress further.

The Bartender and the Fortune Teller will help with the story quests.


Most likely will find it after I ask, but who do we ask about the location of dred Valley? 

BAHA it didnt trigger the first time. found it

Happend in the first Fight we have with Glace after using celestian power and Za Wardo by attacking witj normal light attack


Thank you for reporting this.

How I can get the shoe

(1 edit)

Help an elderly person repair furniture. To do this, try to take an inscription in a strange language from a scientist.

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Hello. Can any of you, recomended to me game rpg, female protagonist like town of magic? All 2d, 3d or pixel


Town of Magic 0.67, Ville de la magie 0.67, Город магии 0.67,...

what does lewdness do?

0 - chastity, 100 - not ashamed of the naked body.

does it give you more freedom to character customization?, if so, then why won't it let me take off any of the outfits?

This is the dream of many players. But this mechanic is now partially implemented.

You can notice this in battles with monsters when Nel is at the helm (pay attention to the position of the hands and Nel's words about this). If you want to admire Celica naked, in version 0.67 you will have the chance to do so.

is there a way to level up in ghost mode

You can only increase the level for bodies: Candy, Faylen. Celica.


I wish there was a Black Silk Shiny Clown Jumpsuit outfit and We can have sex with Clown Girls under Celica's bed.


If by clown you mean Candy, then no, sex with her is impossible, at the moment.

Aw man.


The wikis info is too vague and I want to progress with nel

Just complete all the quests, because the plot structure is mostly linear at the moment. The Bartender, Fortune Teller, Library and NPC will help you with this.

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