The fortune teller sometimes knows about the location of artifacts. But a universal option: walk around the places where fights take place and look below at the number of items with the “?” icon. As a rule, these are threads and other important artifacts. If there are only icons with the infinity symbol, there are no important artifacts in this location.
Later, you will have the opportunity to go to bed with some item that you will receive from a cute furry creature. When the opportunity arises, try to LEAVE the area with the slightly unusual-looking neighbor without closing your eyes.
Usually there it is enough to follow the plot and level up Celica. Nel can help with leveling up. The fortune teller and the bartender will help you with clues about the plot.
Since the game's plot is almost completely linear, all main locations will be visited automatically.
You can't expect version 0.67 to appear here this month. If we take into account the release dates of previous versions, the next version may not be released until the middle of next month.
Only Deimus knows the answer to this question. But, they say, this could not have happened without the intervention of the Magistrate of the town of Agranor.
Depending on the quest, she can usually visit: the bay of the city of Agranor, Vivi's house, Celica's house, Evi's house, as well as the ice grotto in the village outside the dwarven city. Don't forget to coordinate your actions with Nel, if possible (at Celica's house).
A guy who wears glasses will help with this; he sometimes appears on the plaza, looking for a Charming girl.
Regarding the language: if it is in the Google Translate list, then it is quite possible to leave the question in your native language. But if a response is expected from the author of the game, then the language should only be English.
Alright im super confused on how to get the cat to give me whatever is in its mouth. I've tried a bunch of things and each time it runs away, what do I need to do?
You need to help a respected person repair furniture.For this, something written in an incomprehensible language that can be obtained from one man may be useful.
Periodically visit the central plaza of Agranor, you can try wearing Violet. And you will find out that you have a very poor understanding of the concept of fashion. :-)
The priority of developing the storylines of individual characters usually depends on two things: the development of the main plot planned in advance by the author of the game and the opinion of the players who support the game on Patreon ($10 or more).
In any case, we are gradually getting to know this character more, but girls still have maximum priority :-)
I recommend visiting the library and reading short books about the mechanics of the game. Especially about the elements, alchemy, clothing and skills. This will help you win any duels in the game.
Help, please! I'm stuck at Deepwood Forest trying to meet Faylen when in Candy's body. I'm already Level 5 but Faylen just doesn't show up. Instead, I fight monsters all the time. What am I doing wrong?
I did, which is what I wrote about. It's all been done:
> As the puppet (Candy), go to the Deepwood Forest and level up until you reach level 5 with Candy. Now, explore the forest again, and an event will trigger where you'll meet Faylen again.
But Faylen doesn't show up, the trigger doesn't fire.
In the same Wiki article there is a note that if the conditions with Nel and Fortune teller are not met, the trigger with Faylen will not work.
Check this also. Since this mechanism has worked quite reliably so far. I myself have situations when I think I have completed everything, but no - I forgot to fulfill a condition on which the continuation of the plot depends. Usually in such cases they help: Bartender, fortune teller.
This RenPy 8.1.1 cannot be used to translate the game because the image jumps and the game hangs. previous version 0.65.010 works fine without any problems
There is definitely no Polish language. When I play, I translate using Bubble translate. Until Version 0.65.010 the game worked without any problems, only Version 0.66.014 occurred when Updated Game Engine to Ren'Py 8.1.1
Given that Bubble translate has known issues with the positioning of blocks of text in some applications, the issue appears to be related to new functionality in the game engine, as there are no major structural changes to the game's code.
In general, we just have to wait for the creators to fix OCR.
And to add built-in translation to the game, we don’t have people who could help translate it into this language.
Specify: 1. What file did you download ( 2. What archiver do you use? Because with the Windows version everything is fine.Tested with 7-zip archiver.
How do I get the last elf sage for the elf outfit I have the pants and top but not the boots I've been looking in the misty marsh for hours and can't find the last one
Much depends on where the previous artifacts were found.
I usually do this: I take Celica one by one to the locations where battles usually take place. A list of possible artifacts appears at the bottom of the window. If there are only options with an infinity sign, Celica leaves the location. And if there is an unknown artifact, it makes sense to stay in this location with the treasure finder.
Judging by its behavior, this service is not yet stable enough and, judging by the debugging information, it may be blocked by your Internet provider and firewall due to the low level of trust in its domain name.
Because the server of this service is not overloaded. Therefore, this function may start working normally later.
Здравствуйте! Игра очень интересная, мне нравится. Но столкнулся с проблемой, достиг 85 уровня а выше не могу, лимит, как его снять? Враги дальше встречаются сильные и порой тяжело с ними бороться.
Лимит поднимется до 90 в версии 0.67, которая сейчас доступна на Patreon и будет доступна здесь бесплатно после выхода версии 0.68 для подписчиков на Patreon.
С сильными врагами нужно бороться с помощью освоения навыков, умений. Подробнее см. в книгах в библиотеке игры. 85-го уровня там вполне достаточно.
A similar feature is available to those users who support the author for $20 per month.
To restore your cash balance relatively quickly in the free version, you can start the game again, skip familiar dialogues (CTRL) and, after meeting Nel, ask her for help with leveling up.
ok i've GOT to ask, what on earth are the magic beans for/what do they do? I've had them for so long now and i still have not even the slightest clue. do they even serve a purpose in the current build or is that something that's going to come in a later update?
am I doing something wrong? I'm using the silver treasure finder and I've been in the cave for two entire days straight now, yet I still haven't found the gold. is it just extremely rare or is it something else?
you've the silver treasure finder, try to upgrade to gold if you've a gold nugget, then it will show if there's any gold treasure chests in the area, after you find an ore called mithrill, i recomend to upgrade the treasure finder with it, it helps alot
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what are the requirements to get the elfs to visit and unlock misty forrest for light magic book?
The area will unlock after some events happen. Talk to the barkeeper to get a clue on what these events are.
How do I acquire magical threads?
nvm I just got to the part where I can fetch them.
The fortune teller sometimes knows about the location of artifacts. But a universal option: walk around the places where fights take place and look below at the number of items with the “?” icon. As a rule, these are threads and other important artifacts. If there are only icons with the infinity symbol, there are no important artifacts in this location.
This game, just a best for me! Amazing realization! Good animation's! But have one problem. I got negative skill points after 85lvl. That's normal?
No it's not, but it will be fixed automatically when you update the game to the next version.
Okay, thanks!
Are there's plan to add a gallery?
There's already a gallery. You need to explore the dreamworld in the game.
ah thanks i just got into the second world
Later, you will have the opportunity to go to bed with some item that you will receive from a cute furry creature. When the opportunity arises, try to LEAVE the area with the slightly unusual-looking neighbor without closing your eyes.
I killed the slug boss, but for some reason I didn’t get the lantern. Is there any way to kill him again?
Try playing with an electric jellyfish. In her location it is more likely to get an empty lantern.
How do you get to the keep chambers after losing to the demoness?
edit: It appears there is a level requirement, around 40
Usually there it is enough to follow the plot and level up Celica. Nel can help with leveling up. The fortune teller and the bartender will help you with clues about the plot.
Since the game's plot is almost completely linear, all main locations will be visited automatically.
How much time till you release 0.6.7
the progress report on show 61% , today date at my place is 10/12/2023 if the dev keep this pace the next update should be 19/1/2024
You can't expect version 0.67 to appear here this month. If we take into account the release dates of previous versions, the next version may not be released until the middle of next month.
i have question will u add goblins?
These things are usually kept secret. So as not to spoil the surprise if they are added.
Is it possible to get the pass to the Dwarf city and if so, how?
Yes. There will be a masquerade event at the mansion which will give you a key to show to the guard.
when Nel started messing with my equips i was SO mad >.<
the game is amazing i have no idea how u did this in renpy
whats ur inspiration for it
Only Deimus knows the answer to this question. But, they say, this could not have happened without the intervention of the Magistrate of the town of Agranor.
My inspiration is the lack of similar games out there.
I can't find Glace after sec counter, she posses celica T_T man where is she?
What version of the game are you using? If it is not 0.66.014, then Glace may not appear at all.
Yeah i use that version but still i cannot find her, where she should be?
Depending on the quest, she can usually visit: the bay of the city of Agranor, Vivi's house, Celica's house, Evi's house, as well as the ice grotto in the village outside the dwarven city. Don't forget to coordinate your actions with Nel, if possible (at Celica's house).
I see orait ty
how do i repair the fishermans chair
To do this, you can use an object with an inscription in an unknown language.
with who i need to speak about this stone slap sorry for the bad english
A guy who wears glasses will help with this; he sometimes appears on the plaza, looking for a Charming girl.
Regarding the language: if it is in the Google Translate list, then it is quite possible to leave the question in your native language. But if a response is expected from the author of the game, then the language should only be English.
How do I access the ice grotto in the ice village
Go home and sleep and then go back to the Lion Temple (hello, Fire Golem). Return to the Glacial Grotto and use the second Inferno Globe.
Des this work in the free version of the game ????
Yes, this is definitely available in 0.66.014, since this storyline appeared in earlier versions of the game.
Alright im super confused on how to get the cat to give me whatever is in its mouth. I've tried a bunch of things and each time it runs away, what do I need to do?
You need to help a respected person repair furniture. For this, something written in an incomprehensible language that can be obtained from one man may be useful.
how to access the tailor shop? im kinda stupid and couldnt access
Periodically visit the central plaza of Agranor, you can try wearing Violet. And you will find out that you have a very poor understanding of the concept of fashion. :-)
thank you!!!
You need to master at least four skills for the tailor to appear at the plaza.
thank you!!
I can’t find Glace after the first encounter nal took it away and I can’t find it anymore
She usually here:
1. Ice grotto in a village outside the dwarven city.
2. Her friend’s house in Agranor
3. Open locations of Agranor. Some older builds may have problems here (Glace just doesn't appear). Therefore, use only the latest builds of the game.
I like this game!And I like Edgar lol. Hope they have more plot.
The priority of developing the storylines of individual characters usually depends on two things: the development of the main plot planned in advance by the author of the game and the opinion of the players who support the game on Patreon ($10 or more).
In any case, we are gradually getting to know this character more, but girls still have maximum priority :-)
I can’t beat the fire garden, I’m level 80 right now
I recommend visiting the library and reading short books about the mechanics of the game. Especially about the elements, alchemy, clothing and skills. This will help you win any duels in the game.
Can i get rid of the gemtone that fixes your clothes? If so how?
The latest Patreon version has a way. It will be available here when a new version comes out.
oh okay thank you
Can someone please tell me how I can increase my relationship with vivi
If you beat Glace in combat, you will get her armor.
Wear her armor and talk to the maid at the mansion.
Her affinity also has a chance to increase when Glace takes over.
Help, please! I'm stuck at Deepwood Forest trying to meet Faylen when in Candy's body. I'm already Level 5 but Faylen just doesn't show up. Instead, I fight monsters all the time. What am I doing wrong?
Look at here:
I did, which is what I wrote about. It's all been done:
> As the puppet (Candy), go to the Deepwood Forest and level up until you reach level 5 with Candy. Now, explore the forest again, and an event will trigger where you'll meet Faylen again.
But Faylen doesn't show up, the trigger doesn't fire.
In the same Wiki article there is a note that if the conditions with Nel and Fortune teller are not met, the trigger with Faylen will not work.
Check this also. Since this mechanism has worked quite reliably so far.
I myself have situations when I think I have completed everything, but no - I forgot to fulfill a condition on which the continuation of the plot depends. Usually in such cases they help: Bartender, fortune teller.
Why does every developer update the game to Renpa 7.6 which doesn't work because the image jumps unlike the previous version 7.5
This question is best asked to specific developers. Since this game has been using Ren'Py 8.X.X for quite a long time
This RenPy 8.1.1 cannot be used to translate the game because the image jumps and the game hangs. previous version 0.65.010 works fine without any problems
What translation are we talking about?
The game is officially available in three languages. There were no problems with the images.
There is definitely no Polish language. When I play, I translate using Bubble translate. Until Version 0.65.010 the game worked without any problems, only Version 0.66.014 occurred when Updated Game Engine to Ren'Py 8.1.1
Given that Bubble translate has known issues with the positioning of blocks of text in some applications, the issue appears to be related to new functionality in the game engine, as there are no major structural changes to the game's code.
In general, we just have to wait for the creators to fix OCR.
And to add built-in translation to the game, we don’t have people who could help translate it into this language.
How do i get book in elf's bedroom
Combine spiritual training with a pleasant massage, with the help of a little purple assistant.
The .zip file is corrupt, i cannot unzip i
1. What file did you download (
2. What archiver do you use?
Because with the Windows version everything is fine. Tested with 7-zip archiver.
i downloaded the newest windows release, and im using winrar
nevermind, i redownloaded the same file, and now it extracted... weird
Yes, this can happen if the server was overloaded.
Help some elf relax in his home, and at the same time look around. Spirit training can be helpful in this case.
How do I get the last elf sage for the elf outfit I have the pants and top but not the boots I've been looking in the misty marsh for hours and can't find the last one
Much depends on where the previous artifacts were found.
I usually do this: I take Celica one by one to the locations where battles usually take place. A list of possible artifacts appears at the bottom of the window. If there are only options with an infinity sign, Celica leaves the location. And if there is an unknown artifact, it makes sense to stay in this location with the treasure finder.
Usually this method works 100%.
Você pode arranjar um outro meio de pagamento para ser um patrono
Se essa fosse a dúvida, então para ter acesso à versão paga do jogo agora só é possível usar o Patreon.
i suggest you add a enemy that completly takes control of celica just giving u a idea
Glace already does this well, taking away control and understanding of what is happening from the player.
how does glace trigger?
In what sense? Formulate the question more clearly.
wdym more clearly? Clearly hes asking how do you trigger the events/start the events. You are overthinking things
There are many triggers for this character in the game and there is no point in listing all possible options.
can i get sephrina to battle for me
At least in version 0.67 Cephrine does this. I didn't check this in 0.66.
so yes or no?
Yes for 0.67
Maybe for 0.66.
Try to defeat her mistress. If this works, then Elith will tell you that Cephrine will be able to help you in battles.
why doesnt upload sync work?
Judging by its behavior, this service is not yet stable enough and, judging by the debugging information, it may be blocked by your Internet provider and firewall due to the low level of trust in its domain name.
Because the server of this service is not overloaded. Therefore, this function may start working normally later.
when is the next free update
There is no fixed date. Simultaneously with the release of a new version for those who support the project on Patreon.
Will it have a translation into Spanish?
Yes, but for now it’s difficult to give a release date for a full translation.
Is there a way to get the new version here or is it only on Patreon?
The previous version can be found here. The newest one is available on Patreon.
For example: if version 0.67 is available on Patreon, then version 0.66 is available here.
Is the mobile version (Android) already available on Patreon?
Здравствуйте! Игра очень интересная, мне нравится. Но столкнулся с проблемой, достиг 85 уровня а выше не могу, лимит, как его снять? Враги дальше встречаются сильные и порой тяжело с ними бороться.
Лимит поднимется до 90 в версии 0.67, которая сейчас доступна на Patreon и будет доступна здесь бесплатно после выхода версии 0.68 для подписчиков на Patreon.
С сильными врагами нужно бороться с помощью освоения навыков, умений. Подробнее см. в книгах в библиотеке игры.
85-го уровня там вполне достаточно.
How do I enter the elf enclave?
You need to get support from the elves. And to do this you need to complete quests in other locations. It will be helpful to talk to the bartender.
ive lost my save data after reseting my pc is there a way to cheat levels and money because i really dont wanna do all the grinding again
A similar feature is available to those users who support the author for $20 per month.
To restore your cash balance relatively quickly in the free version, you can start the game again, skip familiar dialogues (CTRL) and, after meeting Nel, ask her for help with leveling up.
ok i've GOT to ask, what on earth are the magic beans for/what do they do? I've had them for so long now and i still have not even the slightest clue. do they even serve a purpose in the current build or is that something that's going to come in a later update?
ok thanks!
yo deimus i just wandering do you have a plan to add a full set of clothes that increase our allure stat?
yes i know we have a demonic panties and bra and with it we can reach an outstanding 50 allure stat in 066014
i just thought it would be funny for us to reach an insanely high allure stat
am I doing something wrong? I'm using the silver treasure finder and I've been in the cave for two entire days straight now, yet I still haven't found the gold. is it just extremely rare or is it something else?
there is no treasure left in that area 💀
you've the silver treasure finder, try to upgrade to gold if you've a gold nugget, then it will show if there's any gold treasure chests in the area, after you find an ore called mithrill, i recomend to upgrade the treasure finder with it, it helps alot
Could someone update the wiki?