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In version 0.67 this location is not available.

so i got my save bugged, here somethings, i lost 5 spell points we get from the books we found exploring using the reset book, and when i transfered the save to a new version, my level was 87, and i didn't get the spell points in the version i was playing and didn't get when i transfer and leveled up

What is the game version you currently have?

i believe the version i was playing was 0.66.011, then updated to 0.67.007, but already restarted my save, this is just to be a warning for these thing not happen again, just have to make that the level cap can never go further up, and also make that you can recover the points from the spell point books

Love the game, but it runs suppppper bad on my galaxy s6 tablet, hardware lacking or some kinda overusage?

anyone knows how can i found a fish for the cat at the plaza

Give a stone slab to a fisherman when you see him.

If I accidentally sold the stone slab what do I do?

Check the pawn shop the next day. Any important item will be there.
If you don't see it, you might need to purchase some items to free up space.


(1 edit)

Loving the game so far, but the battle animations feel like they take way too long? It feels like I've been waiting an age for the paralysis condition to end... Might just be a problem with my android tablet.

I believe I have finished all the content for 0.66.014 (says I've got 100% completion for story and secret events) and just have a question because I found something in game that indicates there could be one more thing to find. 

When I go to the fortune teller and ask about the next treasure I may find, she tells me "An important book rests... next to a bed... in an elf bedroom". 

However I've searched everywhere and cannot seem to find it. Is it actually in this version of the game or not?

Looking forward to the next updates cheers!

you need to use a certain toy while you possessed the elf in her bedroom

(4 edits)

Can u explain why i cant find or help meriam for selena event? ..Plus how to get demones custom clothes 🫣❤

(2 edits) (+3)

Since the "Rate this game" function doesn't let me copy/paste my review into its box, I'm forced to paste it into the comments instead.  Keep in mind, this is the first review for a game I've ever done.  This game just took hold of my brain so much that I felt compelled to write about it.

My review of Town of Magic (as of version 0.66.014)

~Short Version~

A fun game with addicting and technically impressive gameplay enveloping an interesting, overarching story and world.  Graphics are impressive with fluid animation and a solid enough soundtrack.  Unfortunately, I find most of the cast bland to unlikeable, with only a handful of actually likeable characters that, at this point, don't have enough content on their own.  Overall, I highly recommend, just know that there are many unadvertised fetishes, most notably Non-con and...I guess you could class it as Netorare.  If those aren't your thing, then definitely don't try and be a completionist.

~~Long Version~~


I am blown away by how this works.  This developer has managed to make a fully functioning Renpy!  I seriously do not understand how that is even possible, but the coding here appears to be of absurdly good quality.  Turn based combat that is simplistic and easy to understand.  Early level gains are a tad tedious, as with any RPG, but definitely be sure to stay in the safer areas until you've levelled enough, or else the next area will rock you (also know that Potions are really important and helpful in early game).  However, not only is it a functioning RPG, but also a dating sim proper, with relationships that you can build, independent from the main story, and there are a LOT of them.  That said, if you're looking for diverging paths in these relationships, there aren't any to be found here, at least not yet.  One of the best points of the gameplay, however, would have to be what I've referred to as "Auto-Grind."  After a certain point in a character's relationship, you can have said character freely take control and grind player experience, item experience, and treasure while you do something else.  It removes a lot of the tediousness and can really help if you're, like me, not a fan of classic RPG grindfests.


This is a fascinating world, and I do want to know more about it, specifically the demons and celestials.  Thankfully, that seems to be what the main focus of the overarching story is, so I imagine we'll get a lot more of that for now.  In the meantime, discovering this world and more about our main character, Celica's, heritage is intriguing, as well as the history of this world and in inhabitants.  I've always been a big fan of fantasy worlds, and this game does a great job of encapsulating that from all regions, with a variety of mythologies mixed in.


While the UI takes up most of the screen, it's not nearly as invasive as I initially expected.  Playing in fullscreen is definitely the way to go.  The pixelated artwork, while not usually my thing, looks really good and clean, with very fluid animations.  This game has been in production for over 3 years now and it shows (in a good way).  Character designs are diverse and detailed.  The backgrounds are all nicely distinct from one another, with a wide variety of locales being drawn beautifully and with intricate detail.  The day and night cycle is also really effectively done as time passes, giving visual indication of the time without even having to look at the clock.  If there was any one thing I'd ask for, aesthetically, it'd be more costume choices for Celica.  Even though I would eventually get the Witch's Outfit + way into the late game, I'd still look at outfits like Evie and Galiene with envy.  Other than that, it looks like this game nails the aesthetics it's going for.


Kudos to all of the music sources for this game, as every track fits their respective locations and battles well.  Not a whole lot to say here, honestly, it's just a good soundtrack overall.  Though, there are a couple of tracks that are off putting at times, as they sound like barely off covers of other songs.  For example, I'm fairly certain that one of these battle tracks is just Requiem for a Dream with slight differences to avoid copyright.


(Warning, there will be major spoilers for a lot of these characters going forward, so tread cautiously)

This is where the game became difficult for me.  Multiple times did I have to step away for a little while, simply because these characters would anger or frustrate me, relentlessly.  This is actually going to be the meat of this review, as I feel compelled to dive into each one, individually, rather than a simple blanket statement for them all.

Edgar:  Right out the gate, know that male characters are practically pointless.  This appears to be a lesbian-based dating sim, first and foremost, so there are no male characters you can romance in it, at least not yet.  I don't know if there are plans to flesh this character out more in the future, but at the moment, aside from later learning that he lost his wife, Edgar has no personality outside of "virtuous guild leader" and is mostly bland.

Bert:  This is a wall that talks and drinks.  Bert does little except guard Edgar's office and accept some beer if you offer it to him after a certain point in the game.  He shows up for story moments occasionally, but does and says very little to matter.  What little personality we get out of him makes me feel like he'd be comparable to Gobber from How to Train Your Dragon, but I don't know if we'll ever see more character development out of him.

Galiene:  Genuinely wonderful and sweet character.  Not only is she a powerhouse in most battles, but she's honestly caring, willing to stand up to her elitist family, and is one of the most likeable characters in the game.  The concern she shows for Celica at any given moment is commendable and I wish Celica would have spoken to her about the ghost situation sooner. The only downside is that, at the moment, she has very little material to work with on her own and ends up becoming more of a gateway to Captain Ceres, who ends up having more development in the end, rather than a romanceable option in her own right.

Evie:  Evie...may very well be the absolute worst character in the game, at least as far as the "protagonists" go.  She comes off as a spoiled brat at the beginning, fawning for Edgar, but as things progress, we learn that she's also very self-centered, doesn't take her job seriously at all, and pays no attention to anyone around her.  When she's put in charge of a mission regarding a ghost, she bails on it.  When said ghost possesses one of the people she interacts with most, Celica, Evie doesn't even notice or question the drastic difference in personality and just goes with it, even falling for the Nel-Possessed MC.  Even worse, at a much later point, when Celica is taken over by a suit of armor, all Evie does is question why she's wearing such an outfit, doesn't show any concern for her not talking, and then doesn't bat an eye when she's acting like an entirely other person, separate from the other two personalities she's already exhibited, and this is after Evie has become Celica's (Nel's) girlfriend.  You'd think she would notice such drastic changes in personality, but no.  So long as she gets to feel good, she doesn't seem to care that the main character is not in control of their own body.  She has the worst personality, is downright unlikable for most of the game, and is also the most useless in combat outside of being a second (or third) target.  Honestly, if there ever comes a chance to add her to Captain Ceres's ghost crew, I will likely do so and never look back.

Barkeep:  At first, he annoyed the crap out of me for obvious reasons.  After a while, though, he started to grow on me and his repeated joke started to become funny.  He feels like if Kaepora Gaebora from Ocarina of Time was played for a laugh.

Lily:  The fairy at the tree.  Initially, I wrote this character off as an early game Inn that lost its usage later in the game, but it turns out I was wrong.  Waaay into what is currently the late game, she suddenly comes back into play and is not only guardian of the tree she's at, but is also a really good support character, with the ability to heal the whole party.  That said, she seems to be bullied by the other fairies, and now I just want to protect her.

Nel (The Ghost):  Thank goodness for the flashback!  Nel is a character that I had been shaky on for most of my playthrough.  The line between liking and disliking this character was like a tightrope walk.  At this point, and I hope I don't regret saying this in the future, I can say that I actually like Nel.  At the start, she comes across sketchy as hell and I did not trust her.  I was fully prepared for her to try and keep Celica out of her body and simply take up permanent residence.  I was fully ready to dislike this character, almost as much as Evie.  In some respects, there are aspects I still don't like about her.  She's very flippant with Celica's body and, despite Celica's constant protests, will simply have sex with whomever, whenever she wants, be they monsters or Evie.  I think this would technically fall under non-consensual, but I'm uncertain.  That said, the sexual aspect is a two-way street that I'll get more into during Celica's section.  After a flashback in what is currently the late game, we learn that Nel is a genuinely good person who had a very unfortunate run-in with a demon.  This moment really solidified my trust in this character and I do believe she loves Celica now and wants to help/protect her.  She's also great for the auto-grind feature, especially when it comes to items that need to be upgraded, as she will equip whatever isn't fully leveled and proceed to grind out the SP for you.  But seriously, right down to the Celestian meditation, why is Nel better at being Celica than Celica?  That's more an issue I have with Celica herself, and I'll get to that, but it's infuriating at times.

Selena:  Much like Galiene, we have a sweet character here whom I will gladly state that I like, but gosh dang, is there too little content for her at the moment.  I really want to know more about her and get closer, but there's not really anything to do with her outside of saving her from Squidward and taking her on duo-exclusive monster hunts.  Hopefully, in future updates, we'll get more time with our studious succubus, and even get to add her to larger parties, but for now, she's simply a means to obtaining a ring and a spell.  (Side Note: Speaking of the Darknova spell, Celica has had the "Mind Takeover" effect continuously.  I don't know if this is a known bug, but it's there)

Godrin:  This dwarf deserves so much better.

Toymaker:  At first, I thought he was just a creepy old man.  I was right, but then, waaaay later down the line, I learned he's also a thief and a liar on top of it.  Kind of wish he'd get more comeuppance.

Candy:  I know it's not the purpose, but I would genuinely like more of this adorable Mannequin without having to possess her.

Silver Jack and Joanna:  This package deal surprised me.  I did not expect to like them, but they grew on me over time, and I now see them as a slightly more competent Team Rocket.  The Royal Twist behind them was also a pleasant one, and I hope we get more time with them in the future.

Violet:  Violet fell similarly in place with Nel for a while.  The difference is where they ended up.  I want to like this character, I really do.  She's one of the biggest victims of circumstance; an innocent yet rare Mimic Slime that was abducted by the Magic Guild and experimented on with demon materials, turning her into who she is.  She didn't deserve what happened to her.  That's hard to like who she becomes.  Unlike Nel, Violet doesn't seem to actually care for Celica.  Yes, she protects her, but I feel that's more in a sense of self-preservation rather than care.  By the time she reaches her 4th clothing form (which is the final one, as of this build), I was just getting more and more frustrated with her removal of Celica's autonomy and didn't want to have to deal with her anymore.  Ultimately, once I completed everything with her, I ended up giving her to the demoness and leaving her there, which works, since the demoness looks damn good wearing Violet.  Currently, the best thing about that 4th clothing form is putting it on Nel and watching them fight each other for control while battling.  I probably shouldn't find that as entertaining as I did, but I did.

Fisherman:  Can I push him off the dock?

L:  The proprietor of the Wandering Wagon of Wonders is a treat.  I don't trust this person one bit, but they seem so fun in a chaotic neutral sense that, were they not limited to being a shopkeeper, I'd love to spend more time with them.

Magic Guild:  So far, I've only seen 3 characters, but they can all be covered by a blanket statement.  The magic guild's entire purpose is to show up, complain about not being included, and leave.  One of them tries to get close to Edgar as a masquerade ball, but is only annoying about it.  What they did to Violet also tells me that, despite their preaching to Edgar about "learning about demons," they likely want to do less dialogue with Demons and more experimenting on them.  I do not like these guys, I do not know if they'll ever play any sort of larger role, but I'm currently ok with them having as little screentime as they do.

Liam:  I don't know who he was prior to his memory being erased, but if he's anything like he is now, then I'm glad the demoness got to him.  The arrogance off this man is actually comedic at times.  When he eventually went to the treasure cave to find the real sword, I knew it was going to be good for a laugh, and I was right.  It is weird that his is the first (and so far, only) human penis we see in the game.  I do wonder, though, with the heavy focus on feminine characters, and his overall design, if we'll get any feminization content in the future.

Demoness:  What does it say that, out of the 4 major characters I like, half of them are Demons?  Don't get me wrong, "Mistress" Domenea, I'm fairly certain, is evil. However, she is also the most open and honest person with Celica.  At no point am I questioning what Domenea wants.  This demoness wants to dominate Celica and put her tongue to work.  Yes, she has Celica sign a contract that removes some autonomy, but Celica willingly does so.  Any time Domenea controls Celica, there's never any malice behind it, never any removal of her spirit, never any knocking unconscious.  The worst thing the demoness does is, after using Celica's tongue for a bit, she sends her home to sleep for the day, losing her the rest of that day.  Outside of that, she never does anything to hurt Celica unless prompted to fight, and even then, is usually quick to pleasure.  As time goes on, we as the player get to overhear her conversations with her King and learn that she is growing genuine attachment and concern for Celica, wanting to protect her.  I don't know how, but in this game all about control, with elements of Non-Con and NTR, this actual evil demon Dom has, arguably, the healthiest relationship with our submissive Celica.  If characters like Selena or Galiene were more fleshed out, I might like them more, but as it stands, Mistress Domenea is my favorite character of the game.

Apparently, there is a limit in comments from, so I will leave the rest in a reply.

(1 edit) (+1)

My review (cont.):

Captain Ceres:  I feel like there's a lot that's going to go on with this character and her crew.  As of this build, we already have 3 side characters wrapped up in her command.  That said, Ceres actually makes me hopeful for the themes of this game in the future.  Her possession, while making me just a skeptical with her as I was with Nel, eventually led to her caring for Galiene (at least, if Nel is to be believe, which I currently do).  It makes me wonder if a major part of this game is going to be "ghosts that possess bodies and become in tune with them grow an affection for the original hosts."  If that's the route we're going with the possession aspect, then I'm down for it.  That said, I'm still not sure how I feel about these ghosts somehow becoming more compatible with the bodies than the original spirits.  I do hope that gets explained at some point, and can be overturned as time goes on.  Also, I love Ceres's design, and her way of dressing Galiene in pirate garb is fantastic.

Elandorr:  This guy is one of the most NPC of NPCs in existence, but his dialogue was so funny for his brief moment that I had to bring him up.  In this cast, I will take any positivity I can get, even if it's from a poor elf guard whose Ex won't leave him alone.

Faylen:  Given what I've said about most of the characters on this list, you'd think I wouldn't like Faylen and her supremacist attitude.  However, she never really bothered me and, after Nel got a hold of her, she actually started becoming much more tolerable, and her "Oh, please, don't possess me~. That would be the worst.~" attitude was quite funny.  I am curious to see how things progress with her as a part of Ceres's crew.

Miriam:  Once again, an interesting and seemingly likeable character with not enough material to know if I would want more.  Currently, she seems to only be a guide towards getting a powerful spell in the later game, as well as progressing towards saving Selena.

Margarilda:  She bakes rocks into cookies...that's it.  I'm fascinated by this dwarven baker.

King Therbin: This character has very little material and am THANKFUL for that.  Creepy bastard.

Rusty and Galgatin:  This sidequest was genuinely fascinating!  I want more of this time travel content, even if these two characters' personalities barely factor into it.  That said, Rusty is precious and I hope he's ok, whenever he may be.

Glace:  I was ready to dethrone Evie as the worst character because of this one.  This was the relationship that made me actually step away a few times to calm down because it just kept frustrating me.  However, after some time away, once I had completed what there is available, I now think I understand where this is going.  Glace now sits as my second-least favorite character because, unlike Evie, I don't think we're supposed to like her.  I don't know if this is actually the case, but I feel like Glace is going to lead to a bad end, and I'm all for it.  I'm, personally, a fan of "Bad Endings" in video games, and with where Glace's story with Celica (and Candy, by extension) is going, I feel some confidence in saying that's the plan.  Glace might just be Celica's biggest enemy.  Yes, there's the demon king, but I think Glace is the greater personal threat, and I'm now more intrigued to see where this relationship is going.  That said, they still piss me off because, unlike with Nel or Violet, when Glace takes over, Celica is completely knocked out and has no idea what is going on.  Something about that (and the last 4 levels I gained from it) pisses me off more than when Nel just takes over and does what she wants, most likely because Celica gave consent to do so, where Glace is 100% Non-consensual (with a hint of NTR).  Side note, I wonder if there's any possibility of Mistress Domenea getting upset that someone is controlling her pet.

Vivi:  This may be me, and it may be obscure, but this character gives me major Viola Cadaverini from Ace Attorney 3 vibes.  Currently, not a whole lot to go off of with this one.  She is the maid to the Count of the town, comes off as kind of creepy, and is actually kind of important in the Glace/Candy story.  I neither like nor dislike her at the moment, but I'm intrigued to see more.

Count Cornelius:  He's totally the demon king, right?  He has had little to no appearance thus far and left practically no impact.  Throws some killer masquerade balls, though.

Kimiko:  Yet another shifty one.  At first, I felt bad for her because of how stressed she seemed, but after hearing what happened from the Fairy Pixelon, I'm extremely skeptical.  Nothing seemed to happen during Celica's stay, but I'm still suspicious.

Elith: Not enough is known at the moment, but I know I wanna beat the crap out of her "father."  She seems so nice and caring, and it blew my mind when I ran into her again outside of a flashback.  She seems to be...unwell, and I hope for the best for her in future updates.

Celica:  Let me start by saying that I do like our main character...she is, however, the most frustrating of them all, for a few reasons.  Celica is a very kindhearted, generous, brave, yet very naive girl.  Unfortunately, there is a line between Naivete and stupidity, and she will often waltz into the latter.  I had been hopeful that, as the lewdness meter increased, maybe she'd be more understanding that yes, everyone wants her body, and not be surprised by every little thing, but no, she forever acts like any sexual acts towards her are the biggest out-of-left-field maneuvers any character or monster can do.  This is especially aggravating when, as the game goes on, we see a couple of instances of her admitting to liking how her body feels, but then she still claims to not like it at all other times.  She has an entire guild from whom she can ask for help, but never does.  Her relationship with Nel can be sweet, but it still has me on edge.  Nel claims that Evie is "our girlfriend," yet Celica never goes to Evie herself, and never even thinks to discuss that the person who came and forced herself on Evie was not actually Celica, but a ghost possessing her.  No matter how high her willpower is, she is so weak to so many things.  I genuinely want to know why Nel is better at literally everything with Celica's body than Celica is.  Nel will naturally recover health and magic between enemies when Celica can't, she is able to struggle out of other's control with ease when Celica can't, and is even the reason that Celica obtains a celestial form.  That last one, especially, should've upset Celica more, because she spent days with no progress, then Nel swoops in and gets it first try in a body that is not actually hers.  Between Nel and Glace both being superior at handling Celica's body than she is, it honestly makes me wonder if surrendering control might not be the better ending for her, which is messed up to think about.  Again, she's a genuinely kind girl who deserves to be as strong as her possessors make her, and I'm hopeful that future updates will allow for that, but I do have a hard time seeing that happening.


I thoroughly enjoyed my experience, despite some characters wearing on my nerves.  The auto-grind function is fantastic and very helpful.  I do wonder if the Mithril Chest will ever get a Solarite upgrade, though I can't see how you could go further with that.  Hopefully, some of these nicer characters can be fleshed out more and some of these themes can be more balanced against the Non-con and NTR that can take place.  I look forward to seeing how the final third of this game's development goes.  If not for the aggravation caused by the characters, I'd feel confident giving it an 8/10, but because I had to step away too many times from frustration with dealing with them, I can only feel comfortable with a 7, but that's entirely due to my own personal preference.  Please, if you're ok with some less wholesome themes, I recommend giving it a play yourself.  At this point, I'm pretty sure I've put at least 20-30 hours into it.

That was a good critique of the game. Most of the relationships Celica has with the characters will evolve as you learn more about them. So some that may begin sketchy may end up as good partners in the end.

o que eu devo fazer com ( Magic beans  )???


The magic beans will be used in the next version of the game.

(1 edit)

It may be a little awkward because it is a translation.

I'm playing ver0.67.003

Can the sleep vial I received from the mistress disappear?

I found a way to fuse with beer, but the vial disappeared, hindering the progress of the story.

Is there any way to get a sleep vial again?


The beer fused with the sleeping vial is used by giving it to Bert to sneak into Edgar's office for a part of the story that asks for that. It worked for me when I played through on version 0.65.010. I don't think you can get the vial again, but it only has that one use as far as I know.

This was a bug that was resolved in the bugfix update.

Hello, I'm playing version 0.66.014 and can't seem to find Glace or Violet any more. I've completed the thieves guild section with Violet but after she was removed as clothing she no longer appears. Glace hasn't been visible on the map at all since updating to this version. Any help would be appreciated!

Glace is located in the snowy region beyond the dwarf city.  Violet should be in your inventory as clothing.  If she's not, the only other two places she would be are the well or (if she was stolen from you by her) with the Demoness.

I found them both in my inventory as clothing 😅 thanks!

ngl glace's plot development was the most boring one

Deleted 349 days ago

It's possible via Nel

Tbh we should be able to take clothes off if we really want to (not all of them, ex: we can take off shoes and we can still walk around the town normally) 

And more fetishes added would be cute too

(1 edit)

does anyone know how to get body back from glace

Fight her or ask ghost

(1 edit)

how do i get throu the door with the eyes in the demon world?

and is there some sort of an gallery for the animations?

In version 0.67 this location is not yet available.

A gallery of one-time story events is available in the Dream World. Selena knows more about this.

(1 edit)

how do i begin to incress

Captain Ceres

relation ship, i dont understand how i am supost to give her 100 coins

Leave Galiene under Ceres's control for a few days, then visit the guild for a cutscene in which her brother is concerned, then you can go back to the ship and progress from there.

thank you

how do i  get new beer accidentally sold the beer

Every important item you sell will appear at the pawn shop the next day. You need to visit it at night.
If the item is still not there, you may need to purchase the rest to make room for it to appear. Visit again the next night.

When will be next update I can't wait

Hi guys please help, how do i access the hot springs im stuck with Kimiko

(1 edit)

Is there supposed to be one less Enchanted Thread than the total needed to buy everything in the Tailor...? I am just one short of getting the Arcane/Cooldown Witch Boots and I've already looted everything in the lastest mobile version that's posted here lmao


NVM L had it in a Mystery Box  costing around 700 xd

what do i feed the can in town center

What can I do to go into the cave?

you need a lantern and equip it

So where can I find it?

You will get it after some time, but you gotta buy a light rod and fuse it with the lantern once you get it

Where can I buy it?

where do I find the book next to a bed in an elf bedroom 


possessed the elf in her bedroom and use a certain toy

is there a way to update a save file to the current version?

Load the save on the new version. If the load does not work, use a quicksave.( Q section of loading screen)

what happens when celica reaches 100 lewdness

well remember a post saying that she stop covering her self when gets naked and able to the dildo anywhere but im not sure its in

(1 edit)

I've had her at 100 Lewdness for awhile now, nothing actually happens as far as I can tell. Though to be fair, each time you meditate at the hot springs, you lose a point of lewdness.

(1 edit) (+1)

where do  i find dwarwen cogwheel


There is one sold at L's shop, if you buy the mystery box when it's priced from 500 - 1000 coins.

hey! I'm looking forward to translating new content into Russian, when do you plan to do it?


We are working on the translation files.

how do i  get new beer accidentally sold the beer


how do I get this book? i have tried going to everywhere I've ever even seen an elf with no luck


Use a certain toy in your inventory when playing as Faylen in her house.

I have gotten to around the point where you go with Evie to try to find the demon, but I haven't unlocked the tailor shop. In the wiki it says it should be shortly after getting the potion from Galiene. Is this outdated or have I just not mastered enough of the equiment?

If you master at least 4 skills, he will appear at the plaza randomly.

How can I complete these ?

I see you have not completed all Nel events. It may involve raising your affinity with her or meditating at the hot springs.

Hi there,

On 67.002, I'm having this issue where character levels are being set back to a lower level when they are possessed. In the previous update, I leveled Faylen to 85. Then I possessed her with Celica's spirit in this update, and Faylen's level was set back to 55. I then leveled her back up to 90, then her level got set back to 72 when I possessed her with Celica's spirit again.

There was another case with Selena getting possessed by Cephrina. My Selena was level 80 before this update. She then got possessed by level 90 Cephrina, and her level increased to 85.

I'll look into it.

where do i find last nel event in 0.66.014

(1 edit)

just talked to her at celica home 

btw i found this with the help of wiki

its the default talk

I just defeated Ceres, but I didn't know I had to possess Galeine, does anyone know what I can do?

You let Ceres win with Galeine in your party. That is how she initially takes over Galeine.


curious, will there be an anal scene? seems a waste not to have one considering even the early game slimes ganging up and the king slime.


it would be nice if there was nsfw animations for the puppet


Just wanted to report a little "bug", the game tells you to:"Please make sure you take your valuable belongings with you!" But doesn't really make sense as it is supposed to be "Please make sure to take your valuables and other belongings with you!" (Or something like that). If the sentence is inteded to be EXACTLY like that, then it would still need to be "[...]valuables and (other) belongings [...]" in order to make sense.

Tata and farewell!


what happens when the lewdness reach 100?

what is your lewdness percentage ??mine 67, if yours higher then you will now before me and if it's mine higher then i will tell you you just have to wait !! 

have a nice day/night

100 percent

(1 edit)

well i think now you know and if not well i will search in google


it might be the same or not if i'ts not then sorry 


this was just a concept 

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